Aug 02, 2013 07:22
Well, we have internet again, at least for a few weeks. So much has happened, it seems like, and I'm falling apart.
My mouth hurts. Seems as though I have 2 cavities, but NO way to get them taken care of. :-(
My skin I had removed came back benign, so that's a woot! Only now it hurts and burns. :-(
My balance test came back abnormal. So I had to go in for an MRI. It was supposed to be on my birthday, but the machine broke down. So, I had it done yesterday. That was not all that pleasant.... and very loud! Now, I await the Doctor.
My birthday was on Wednesday. One of you, I owe a huge thank you and a hug!!! You know who you are. ;-)
I think everything else, I'll post about later. :-)
Happy weekend everyone!