Title: Like Taking a Two-by-Four to the Head
Rating: T
Genre: Humor/Romance
Fandom: Yugioh GX
Pairing(s): Judai(Jaden)/Johan(Jesse), Winged Kuriboh/Ruby Carbuncle, Frog Prince/Rose, Jim/Lorie(OC), Austin(Axel)/Tavia(OC), Ryo(Zane)/Olette(OC), Manjyoume(Chazz)/Junko(Jasmine)
Summary: What do you do when you wake up to find your Duel Spirit isn't so Spirit-like anymore and have become living, breathing, human children? Just go with it, I guess. After all, this isn't the weirdest thing to happen on Duel Academy island...
A/N: Multi-chapter. Work-in-Progress.
Jim was beginning to wonder about Jesse. His little friend wasn't looking so good. He seemed slightly panicky and appeared to be worrying about something while completely dazing off in class (which wasn't so weird in itself) and whenever Jim would try to get his attention, the boy would jump a mile and almost fall out of his chair (which was, admittedly, more than a little amusing).
If Jim didn't know better, he'd have thought Jesse was worrying like this over a girl or some sort, but he was at least ninety-five percent sure that his blue-haired friend was into the other side of the fence (specifically a "certain person" over that way), so that couldn't be it. Right?
Jim jumped as he heard a loud thud. Glancing to the side he watched as Jesse began repeatedly hitting his head onto the desk.
"Hey, mate. You okay?" he whispered, giving the younger duelist a worried look and causing Jesse's attention to snap around as he turned to face Jim with a determined expression.
"This morning, I woke up, and there was a little girl in my bed," he informed the Australian in a loud whisper. "When I asked her who she was, she started crying and ran away! Then, my duel spirit went missing! And, I also think that I may be in love with A GUY WHO HAPPENS TO BE MY BEST FRIEND!" Jesse was now standing, voice rising as he got more and more into his rant. "So, no, Jim! I am NOT OKAY!"
He paused, breathing heavily as he glanced around and realized that everyone in the class was now staring at them, including the teacher.
"I was jus' askin mate," Jim replied with a bewildered expression. "Now, are you finished, or would you like to tell the rest o the class yur life's story as well? Maybe we can get Lor t' make up some flashcards f'r ya."
Letting out a tiny squeak as his face turned a brilliant shade of red, Jesse turned and ran from the room leaving Jim with no choice but to chase after him with a sigh.
(I. Am. Such. An. IDIOT!) Jesse was yelling in his head as he darted down the halls and out the main entrance. (Why did I- and in front of EVERYONE? My GOD! I am such an-)
"Jesse!" A girl's voice squealed a moment before Jesse found himself being bowled over sideways, hitting the ground with a startled cry and lifting his head to stare at the weight now settling on his stomach.
"Huh?" It was the girl from that morning. The little purple-haired girl with red eyes and a small ruby set into… her...forehead...and...(Oh just great...)
Jesse lay back down with a thump. "Ruby?" He asked, already knowing he was right as guilt washed over him for not recognizing her sooner. (No wonder she was so upset.) The girl, who was indeed his missing duel spirit, let out an excited sound, and threw her arms around his neck.
"YAY! Jesse remembers me!" Ruby yelled. "See, Jaden! Jesse remembers me now!"
"Told'ya he would," Jaden agreed. Jesse looked up to see the brunette leaning over his face, grinning down at him. 'Isn't it sweet, Jess? They're all humans now!"
"Oh, yeah," Jesse groaned. "Just peachy." (This is NOT my day.) He attempted to sit up, but Ruby was too heavy. "Can somebody help me...?"
Lorie moved forward, bending down to lift Ruby off of him with a pained expression while Jaden grabbed his hand and helped him to his feet.
About this time, Jim caught up. He stopped beside Tavia, doubling over to catch his breath, before noticing the baby that the girl held.
He stared at it for a moment, before turning his eyes up to Tavia's. "Please tell me it's not Axel's," he pleaded. Tavia blushed scarlet and an anger tic appeared on her forehead.
"Good," Jim cut in, nodding once before turning to smile at Lorie, who was giving him a look of mild panic. "Hey, sheila. Been awhile."
"Ah, that is-" the blonde stammered, crossing her arms across her stomach self-consciously and sliding her gaze off to the side. "Uh…."
Luckily, the Australian was distracted by the presence of Kuriboh and Ruby who had latched themselves onto his legs while trying to get his attention.
"Hey there, you two. I'll assume you're them spirits, Jaden and Jesse are always telling me about?"
The two kids giggled and began babbling up at him while Lorie let out a relieved sigh and rubbed at her tummy with a worried look as she quietly slipped off.
To say that Chazz was not happy would be like saying that Axel wasn't a people person, that Hassleberry liked dinosaurs, that Tavia was friendly, that Atticus was enthusiastic. It would be the truth, but only a bare essence of it.
Hassleberry was obsessed with dinosaurs.
Axel was anti-social and constantly locked away in his room.
Tavia was an overbearing flirt.
Atticus was just plain crazy.
And Chazz was ready to kill someone. Preferably, the three boys following closely behind him, but he wasn't choosey. If only he had a bazooka. Then he could take them all out in one shot. But, alas, someone (probably that klepto-bratt Blair) had run off with his beloved bazooka, thus leaving Chazz to only be able to contemplate murder, rather than actually carrying it out.
The three Ojama's didn't even know how lucky they were.
"But, boss!" Ojama Yellow was whining. "Why do we have to go talk to the werewolf?"
"Yeah, she's scary!" Ojama Green added with a whimper.
Chazz growled, and attempted to ignore them. (Find your happy place, Chazz. Death, Destruction, and Jasmine. Wait, what the heck?) He shook his head as an image of Jasmine Makita appeared in his mind's eye. (This is no time to be thinking like that! I have to figure out where Lorie is.)
Chazz clenched his eyes shut and let the image of Jasmine wander through his mind. At least it took THEM off of it. Though, it wasn't enough to drown out their incessant whining.
"What about me?"
Chazz whirled around and almost fell over as he saw the redhead standing just behind (well, now in front) of him with a slightly weirded-out look.
"Uh..." Chazz groped around for an excuse and came up with zilch. "Yeah I got nothing."
Jasmine raised an eyebrow. "Whatever," she replied before her gaze found the now human Ojamas. "Aren't you three abit young for Duel Academy?"
"We're not students," Ojama Yellow piped up.
"Yeah! We're Chazz's-" Ojama Black was cut off as Chazz loudly yelled-
"-COUSINS!" He winced as Jasmine turned to stare at him sharply. "They're my, uh, cousins. Yeah. They'll be going in here in a few years, and their...mom...wanted me to show them around so they could get a feel of the place."
"Oh," Jasmine smiled, turning to hold out a hand to the brothers. "I'm Jasmine Makita, it's nice to meet you-"
The Ojama's opened their mouths to introduce themselves, but Chazz cut them off again.
"Joe, Chuck, and Bob," he stated. Jasmine gave him another funny look. "That's their names. Joe's the blond, Chuck's the green-head, and Bob's the one with black hair."
"Oh….kay..." she muttered, but seemed to have accepted his lie for the moment as she shook each of the boys hands in turn, before turning back to Chazz. "Lorie sent me to find you. Said it was important. Why weren't you in class today?"
Chazz pointed to his "cousins" and Jasmine shrugged and left while Chazz breathed a sigh of relief.
"But, Chazz!" Ojama Yellow, oh wait, I mean Joe, complained. "I wanted to be Bob!"
Chazz figured he could make do with a Lorie's baseball bat. He'd just have to make sure not to break it. He'd seen the werewolf snap enough times to know he never wanted to see it again (ever).