Title: Like Taking a Two-by-Four to the Head
Rating: T
Genre: Humor/Romance
Fandom: Yugioh GX
Pairing(s): Judai(Jaden)/Johan(Jesse), Winged Kuriboh/Ruby Carbuncle, Frog Prince/Rose, Jim/Lorie(OC), Austin(Axel)/Tavia(OC), Ryo(Zane)/Olette(OC), Manjyoume(Chazz)/Junko(Jasmine)
Summary: What do you do when you wake up to find your Duel Spirit isn't so Spirit-like anymore and have become living, breathing, human children? Just go with it, I guess. After all, this isn't the weirdest thing to happen on Duel Academy island...
A/N: Multi-chapter. Work-in-Progress.
Letting out a sigh, Lorie stood, moving to stand in front of the children just in time to catch the brunette hurtling toward her.
"Oh my god! Lorie! Where WERE you? I woke up and you were gone! And there was this-" Tavia Sinclair cried, babbling incoherently and gesturing her arms around, making little to know sense(about like normal). Lorie tuned her out, opting instead to focus her attention on the calmer girl who had come to stand quietly beside them holding a bundle of pink cloth in which slept a small baby girl.
"Oh. Great," Lorie muttered, rubbing her forehead as she stepped away from her still hysterical friend.
"Sadie had a baby?" Jaden yelled, staring at the first-year in shock. "Oh man! It's not Hassleberry's is it?"
Sadie frowned. "She's not mine. She's Tavia's," the black-haired girl replied calmly, an almost imperceptible glint in her eyes.
"TAVIA had a baby?" Jaden's face had gained a strange level of horror as he turned to stare nervously at the other girl. "Um...it's not by any chance Axel's is it?"
Tavia burst into tears, Jaden went into a panic, and Lorie began wondering if Atticus still had those "Happy Pills" he'd given her when she broke her leg back in First Year….
"Angel isn't Axel's, Jaden," Sadie reassured the boy with a small smirk, evil glint growing more pronounced. "She's Jesse's."
Jaden's face took on a horrified look as Tavia began to cry harder and Lorie decided that Atticus's pills weren't strong enough before turning to glare at Sadie."That wasn't nice, Say."
"Yeah!" Tavia agreed, rocking her, um, the baby in her arms. "Everyone knows Jay likes Jess! Besides, Jesse wouldn't have sex with me if I begged him!"
Sadie sweatdropped. "Tav, I was just kidding."
"Oh! Right!" Tavia rolled her eyes. "I forget what a bad sense of humor you have, Stalker-Girl."
"So wait," Jaden interrupted, looking back and forth between the two of them with a confused expression. "She's NOT Jesse's?"
"Nah," Sadie replied, moving so that he could get a closer look at the child's light pink hair. "It's Tavi's Petite Angel. Or just Angel for short. Which you would've been able to tell if you'd looked closer. Besides, Tav's not that much of a whore and she wouldn't cheat on Axel no matter how much she protests."
"You should know better than that by now, Say," Tavia sighed. "Jay's too gullible. Which is why he gets attacked by evil pedophiles wanting to play "card games" with him every season." She paused. "And what'aya mean "that much of a whore"?"
"Notice she doesn't deny the dating Axel comment."
"Shut up!"
Letting out a sigh, Lorie began walking, towing the children along with her. "Ignore those two," she told them. "They're idiots." Ruby and Kuriboh both nodded while her two friends looked mildly offended.
"Hey!" Tavia yelled, chasing after her. "That was supposed to be a secret!"
Lorie ignored her in favor of trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Meanwhile in another part of this fanfic, Jesse (after going into a furious sneezing fit) was just leaving his first class and still wondering where Ruby had gone to.
"I mean, it's not like there's very many places she could have gone off to." He was saying to Jim as the two of them headed to their next class.
"Don't know, mate. I can't see her." The Australian replied, shrugging apologetically.
"Maybe Jaden knows where she is."
Jim stifled a grin. (Of course he thinks of JADEN first. It's not like there aren't at least four other people on the island who can see Spirits too.)
"Maybe, mate. Why don't'cha go'n ask him?"
Jesse was silent for a moment. He glanced around the hallway. "I don't think he came in today."
"Well, y'll see 'im after classes, right?" Jim asked. Jesse nodded, and the two started off for their next class.
Meanwhile, in an event almost entirely irrelevent to the story that will probably never be mentioned again, Rose had finally met the man of he dreams. Her "frog prince" if you will...