Title: Duel Academy Musical
Rating: T
Genre: Humor/Romance
Fandom: Yugioh GX
Pairing(s): Judai(Jaden)/Johan(Jesse), onesided-Asuka(Alexis)/Judai(Jaden), Jim/Kenzan(Hassleberry), onesided-Edo(Astor)/Judai(Jaden), Ryo(Zane)/Edo(Astor), Fubuki(Atticus)/Manjyoume(Chazz), Junko(Jasmine)/Sadie, Daichi(Bastion)/Momoe(Mindy), Sho(Syrus)/Asuka(Alexis)
Summary: Johan Anderson moves to a new school and gets caught up in sibling rivalries, popularity battles, auditions for the school musical, and an interesting new romance. With random musical interludes in-between.
A/N: Multi-chapter. Alternate Universe. Work-in-Progress. Loose parody of High School Musical. Very loose.
Songs Sung in This Chapter: none
Johan was more than a little surprised when Jim practically mowed him down after school, waving a sheef of papers in his face.
"Um, hello?" He attempted, but the Australian didn't seem to hear him.
"Why didn't you tell me you were smart?" Jim yelled, whacking him over the head with the papers he was carrying.
"Ow!" Johan yelped. "What was that for?"
"Our Scholastic Decathlon team NEEDS someone like you! Our first competition is next week!"
"Um, okay?" Johan muttered, rubbing his head. "And this made you hit me, why?"
Jim's answer was to hit him again, but this time, Johan managed to grab the papers out of his hand. As he read them, his eyes grew big and a panicky expression overtook his face.
"W-where did you get these?" Johan stammered. Jim stared at him in confusion.
"Didn't you...put these in my locker?"
"No way! Of course not!"
"Oh," Jim looked mildly chagrined. "Well, um, sorry for hitting you, but we'd still love to have you on the team!"
"I really need to catch up in my classes before I consider ANYTHING extracurricular. Sorry."
"But what a PERFECT way to get caught up!" Edo exclaimed, butting into the conversation. Jim's expression turned downright hostile and Johan feared that his friend might maul the intruder. "What a GENEROUS offer, Jim!"
"Go fuck yourself, Phoenix," Jim growled. "Nobody asked you!"
"Well!" Edo sniffed, before turning and walking away, nose in the air. Jim flipped him off, then turned to smile at Johan.
"Yeah, well, think about it, okay mate?"
"Sure," Johan agreed with a nod.
"We've NEVER made it past the first round of the scholastic decathlon," Jim was informing him the next day as they walked into school. Johan sighed, but couldn't help grinning at his friend's persistence. "You could be our answered prayer."
"I'm gonna focus on my on my studies this semester," Johan gently reminded him. "But maybe next year?" The blue-haired boy paused thoughtfully. "Um...on another note...what do you know about Judai Yuki?"
"Judai?" Jim grinned, raising an eyebrow suggestively. "Well, I wouldn't consider myself an expert on the bloke, but he was one of my first friends when I moved here. So, I used to know him pretty well, I guess."
"Used to?"
"Yeah...bout a year ago I quit the duel squad. Our worlds kinda separated after that and I haven't really kept in touch," Jim explained looking guilty and a little bit sad at the memory.
"Why?" Johan asked. Jim sighed and put an arm around the boy's shoulders, leading him into the school.
"We don't run in the same pack anymore," Jim replied. "And, it's really hard to talk to someone when you're both constantly busy with other things. Besides, I don't think any of the duelists would take too well to us talking."
"Kenzan seems to like you," Johan pointed out. Jim's face turned bright red and he coughed nervously.
"Um...yeah...that's..." he shook his head. 'Never mind. Point is, I'm not the best person to ask."
"Okay." Johan grinned mischievously at his friend. "I guess I could always ask the cheerleaders..."
"Only if you want to sit around and discuss your nail beds all day."
Johan held up a hand, mock-mournful expression in place. "My nail beds are history..."
"Don't worry, mate," Jim laughed. "So're mine."
"Well, I hope we've all learned our homeroom manners by now," Dr. Chronos stated briskly, almost running into Judai, who hurriedly took hi seat. "If not, we have some dressing rooms that need painting."
Judai turned around to smile at Johan who waved back with a small grin.
"Now, a few announcements." Chronos stepped up onto the rise at the head of the classroom. "Today's free period is your chance for the musical auditions, both single and pairs."
Edo clapped his hands together happily while Manjoume forced a weak grin, rolling his eyes.
"I will be in the theater till noon, for those of you bold enough to extend the wingspan of your creative spirit."
"Wonder when he's due back on the mother-ship," Kenzan whispered, leaning forward so Judai could hear him. The brunette let out a nervous laugh. "So, the teams decided to get together during free period, you in, sarge?"
"Uh," Judai wracked his brain for a worthy excuse. "I ah...have to catch up on some homework?"
Kenzan threw him an incredulous look. "Seriously? It's like, the third day back, soldier. I'M not even behind yet, and I've been behind since PRESCHOOL."
Judai just shrugged noncommittally before turning back to face Chronos, guilt making his stomach churn unpleasantly.
(Judai never was a good liar,) Kenzan noted as he took it upon himself to find out what his friend was REALLY doing by following him around just before free period was due to begin. Judai stopped inside a classroom and the dino-duelist stood at the doorway, watching in disbelief.
"You're blocking the entry, mate," Jim commented, causing Kenzan to jerk back in surprise.
"Oh, uh, sorry, soldier," he stammered, backing away to let the older boy through, before leaning back in to survey the room. "Damn! I lost him!"
Judai snuck behind his confused friend; stopping to grin at his back, before continuing down the hall toward the auditorium.