Title: Duel Academy Musical
Rating: T
Genre: Humor/Romance
Fandom: Yugioh GX
Pairing(s): Judai(Jaden)/Johan(Jesse), onesided-Asuka(Alexis)/Judai(Jaden), Jim/Kenzan(Hassleberry), onesided-Edo(Astor)/Judai(Jaden), Ryo(Zane)/Edo(Astor), Fubuki(Atticus)/Manjyoume(Chazz), Junko(Jasmine)/Sadie, Daichi(Bastion)/Momoe(Mindy), Sho(Syrus)/Asuka(Alexis)
Summary: Johan Anderson moves to a new school and gets caught up in sibling rivalries, popularity battles, auditions for the school musical, and an interesting new romance. With random musical interludes in-between.
A/N: Multi-chapter. Alternate Universe. Work-in-Progress. Loose parody of High School Musical. Very loose.
Songs Sung in This Chapter: Getcha Head in the Game
Judai let out a small sigh as he readied his duel disk to practice. Usually he was completely stoked at the very mention of duel monsters, but today he wasn't feeling it for some odd reason.
"Hey, Yuki," Austin O'Brien called from across the small arena. "You ready yet?"
"Uh yeah!" Judai forced a smile and inserted his deck into the slot on his disk. "Let's duel! You can go first."
"Whatever," O"Brien muttered, drawing his first card. He played it face down. "You're turn."
"Coach said to summon right," Jaden muttered. "And attack left." He drew Bursinatrix and played her in attack mode before also laying down a spell. "Watch out for traps and keep an eye on defense."
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kenzan frantically searching his pockets for something while Asuka tapped her foot impatiently.
"Gotta play and give it a go, and take the game on home." Jaden attacked with Bursinatrix then ended his turn. "But don't be afraid to shoot the outside, Jay...just keep you're head in the game." O'Brien attacked, destroying Bursinatrix. "Just keep your head in the game."
"You gotta getcha head in the game," O'Brien ordered him from across the arena. Judai sighed, but nodded and began to try and concentrate better.
"Yeah...let's make sure that we use our spells now," Judai laid down another monster, then activated a spell to boost its AP before destroying O"Brien's monster. "Cause when we do then the crowd will go wild." He lay down a trap and ended his turn. "A second chance, gotta grab it and go..." His thoughts drifted and he found himself wondering what Johan was doing right then. "Maybe this time we'll hit the right notes..."
O'Brien gave him a funny look and Judai blushed snapping himself out of it. "Wait a minute, not the time or place. Wait a minute, get my head in the game."
"You gotta getcha head in the game," O'Brien growled, and Judai rubbed his head in embarrassment.
"You have to get your head in the game!" Asuka yelled at the cowering Kenzan.
"Why am I feeling so wrong," Judai wondered. "My head's in the game, but my hearts in the song..." His thoughts drifted back to the blue-haired boy. "He makes this feel so right...but should I go for it?" Judai glanced up to see O'Brien glaring at him again. "Better shake this, yikes!"
"Seriously, Yuki," O'Brien stated. "You gotta getcha head in the game."
Johan jumped, almost knocking his chemistry book of the desk at the sound of Edo Phoenix's voice beside him. He glanced up warily to see the silver-haired boy leaning across the counter with a fake smile plastered across his face.
"It seemed like you knew Judai Yuki," Edo commented, trying not to seem to interested. Johan grinned weakly.
"No, not really," the blunette lied. "He was just being nice and showing me around."
"Yeah well," Edo rested his head on his hand, "Judai doesn't normally interact with," he paused, "...new students."
"Uh, why not?" Johan asked, barely listening to the conversation, but trying to seem polite. He turned and looked up at the teacher's notes on the chalkboard.
"Well, it's pretty much Duel Monsters twenty-four seven for him," Edo explained.
"Mmhmm," Johan murmured vaguely, looking back at the board. "That should be sixteen over pi."
The teacher, Professor Banner, turned to look at him. "Yes, Mr. Anderson?"
"Oh!" Johan blushed slightly. "I'm sorry...I was just...uh..." his cheeks darkened as he felt his stomach begin to churn with the attention. "I..."
"Yes?" Professor Banner repeated, a patient smile on his face.
"Sh-shouldn't the second equation read sixteen over pi?"
Edo rolled his eyes while some of their fellow classmates groaned.
"Sixteen over pi?" Banner raised an eyebrow, but turned to check his work. "That's quite impossible..." he frowned at the board, then glanced down at the teacher's edition handbook. "Ah, I stand corrected."
Johan bit his lip and smiled, turning back to his notes while Jim stared at him curiously.
"Oh!" Professor Banner exclaimed, turning back to Johan with a grin. "Welcome aboard."
Edo's jaw dropped in disbelief as he drew back to mull over what had just happened.
Judai couldn't help stopping to stare at the sign-up sheet for the school musical every time he passed it. Ever since the day before when he had watched Edo Pheonix scrawl his signature across the paper in black sharpy, the idea of adding his own name up their had kept bouncing around in his thoughts.
"It would be fun?" Johan had commented. "Dontcha think?"
Of course, Edo had then shoved the boy aside so he could put his own name up in big letters even having the audacity to snottily ask, "Oh, you weren't thinking about signing up, were you?"
It made Judai frown just thinking about it. Of course, a silly grin borke across his face a moment later at the thought of Johan sticking his tongue out at the silver-haired boy when his back was turned. He walked away, still grinning.
Across the hall, Manjoume followed the boy's movements with a frown.
"What's wrong," Edo asked, sidling up to his step-brother. The black-haired boy shook his head.
"Nothing. Just wondering why Judai was looking at the audition list."
"Again?" Edo replied, confused look present. He leaned back, arms crossed. "Y'know, he was hanging around here yesterday with that new guy...and they were BOTH looking at the list."
Manjoume raised an eyebrow, but Edo persisted.
"There's something freaky about him," Edo muttered. He turned to look at Manjoume suddenly. "Where'd he say he was from?"
Manjoume shrugged and his brother let out a huff before storming away to look the blue-haired boy up on Google.
A/N: Well, this chapter sucked. But, it needed to be written. I actually had to go re-watch the movie, and I realized that I have been leaving stuff out! So sorry about that. I added stuff to compensate though. So, it all evens out I guess.