For Ray--Sunday

Apr 26, 2005 16:24

It's been a busy day, which was nice. Michael had gone to New York, muttering something about a girl, so she and Isabel had handled things. Business was winding down now, though and she fiddled with the books after telling Isabel she could go do whatever it was the girl did.

Michael had gotten really good at the bookkeeping and such, so there was really very little for her to do but add in the weekend's accounts, which she did quickly. She straightened up the shop, getting it ready for Tuesday so they could all rest tomorrow, when it was closed. The customers had made a mess. Why they felt the need to paw through everything was beyond her, but they did. She fixed it all nice and neat and as near perfect as she could get it, dusting as she went.

Ray was supposed to get in at some point today, which she was really excited about. It sucked having a boyfriend who lived half the continent away. She missed him a lot.

With a smile she went back to the computer to check the web orders and start processing them, hoping he'd call or just swing by soon.
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