Something more Myth-ical

Apr 12, 2015 18:44

So today, in lieu of International Tabletop Day which was yesterday, and seeing as I was travelling at the time, I decided to break out one game that has been sitting there begging me to play it. Seeing as I just backed the latest expansion Kickstarter for it, I thought I should get try and play it.

I had already played the introductory tutorial game, but was still not clear exactly how the game really plays, so today was a new time to sit down and try it again.

The intro game has a basic setup provides you with what cards to actually setup your hand with and then also what moves to make.

The hand holding is pretty good for a written document, though some of the details could have been presented better in the welcome game, rather than leaving it to be found in the full game manual. The disclaimer or course does mention that the rules played in the welcome game are stripped down, and the full rules need to be read to get everything. I still felt a slightly better overview in the welcome pack would have been beneficial.

The game play is very easy to grasp after a couple of plays through, and is well defined as a co-op game with the "Darkness" being controlled by a very straightforward mechanic, bad things will happen most of the time, just how bad, is left to the draw of the cards. Though the stats used for the dice rolls are very simple to get your head around for creating the dice pool.

The use also of a Fate dice to create random effects both good and bad in both the hero turn and the Monster turns adds a nice extra touch to the game

Dont be fooled though, the game is NOT simple walk in and kill every monster (though with the right card combo and some good dice rolls, this isnt too hard to achieve either), the game will hit you back just as hard, after drawing the 2nd darkness card and basically doubled the rate at which bad things happen, then by the 3rd Darkness card draw I was faced with doubling the number of monsters being Spawned every time. Lets just say I was handed my marching papers off the board quite soon after.

The latest installment will provide an update to the rules set from the original game, and has a well supported community where they actively listen to feedback. Along with the fact the manufacturer has released a print and play expansion set of cards, it will be nice they are now going to print these in hard copy as well.

Next post hoping to look at Carcassonne which picked up during recent Holidays, plus quite a few other games that I need to create the mini's on before I can do a post with pictures and gameplay
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