More Chibi Boardgame fun

Apr 12, 2015 18:26

Ok so I have been playing a few random assortment of boardgames lately, or at times trying to between having to read the rules and in many cases, needing to assemble miniatures to play the game.

At the moment the hobby room is not ready to use, so assembling miniatures seems more of a chore having to arrange a suitable work space to then work at. But no matter, some games come with pre-assembled mini's making life that bit easier.

So without much further ado - i started back into the latest installment of Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten Kings, went to our friends for a day of craft and gaming.

The latest expansion of SDE has a new rule set for Arcade mode, basically this is a version where you can do co-op with the hero's, against the AI version of the Consul managed by command cards

The mini's that are provided are striking and very clear and well defined, especially considering they are all pre assembled or cast in one peace, the work on these is totally brilliant.

The game mechanics, after you get used to them, are very simple and straight forward, after a little coaching (my friend and my wife played the hero's, I played reader of the rules and did the Consul command cards and movement, though its not required) my wife had gotten the hang of it and was totally kicking monster butt. Though when the mini boss first came out there was a bit of concern, but it was no sweat, they knocked him down within about 3 turns, only taking 1 wound between them.

The game gives not much mercy and the command cards provide a balanced feel between the Consul minions doing something on every turn (though I missed the part about if you cannot spawn monsters you draw a different card instead of standing there doing nothing). Though it was a stumbling start, all seemed to have had a great time and took a beating, but eventually overcame the Head Consul himself.
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