Snowflake Challenge - Days 9, 10, 12 & 13

Jan 13, 2019 21:43

Day 9

Commit an act of kindness.

I've done a couple. However, there's one person in this challenge who keeps saying how much they want everyone to add a Transformative Works Statement to their AO3 profile, so I did :D

Days 10 & 12

Day 10: Create a fanwork. Day 12: In your own space, create your own challenge.

I've taken these days together, because the challenge I'm setting for myself is to complete day 10 and create a fanwork. I've always been reluctant to be more personal in my online life and have therefore never mentioned bookbinding in my journal before. Now that I have, however, and received many positive comments about it, I feel so inspired to make more books! So that's what I'll do :D. My personal day 12 challenge will be to bind a fanfic, just for myself, to get some experience with binding actual stories. I'm not sure which fic I want to do yet, but if the book turns out well, I'll share some pics of it here as proof that I've completed day 10 of the Snowflake Challenge ^^

Edit June 2019: It took me three months, but I finally did it and made a book! The result can be found here. My super long post with picturs and details of the binding process is here, though you must have already seen it when you were scrolling down my entries ;)

Day 13

In your own space, set some goals for the coming year. They can be fannish or not, public or private (And remember, don't wait until you've achieved your goals to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take to get there!).

  • Fannish: Complete day 10/ day 12 of the Snowflake Challenge
  • Fannish: Figure out a good fandom/ RL ratio and stick to it. I sometimes spend way too much time on fandom, which takes away from both my offline life and my enjoyment of fandom, so I need to come up with 'a schedule' that works better for me.
  • Bookbinding: I want to learn how to sew endbands and preferably try at least 3 different types
  • Bookbinding: I want to get at least one step closer to fulfilling my dream of one day doing a full, traditional gothic binding. That might be by getting more experience in working with leather, practice more with rounding and backing, or experimenting with fake ribs.
  • Personal: I really need another job. I'm already working on that though and even have an interview in a few days. Fingers crossed!
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fandom, snowflake challenge, personal, bookbinding

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