Snowflake Challenge - Day 6

Jan 06, 2019 22:14

Day 6

In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts. 
  • I'd love to see some Ginny/ Rolanda Hooch femslash. I realised while ago about how much fun that pairing would be, but when I went on a search, I only found two short gen fics for it on FFN that left much to be desired. It's a shame, because I believe this ship has a lot of potential and I really hope someone will write it. 
  • Continuing on the femslash train, I'd love to see some with Annie Lennox, because I have a huuuge thing for Annie-Lennox-in-a-suit. Seriously, you don't want to know how often I've watched the video of Sweet Dreams are Made of This. Her androgyny and the BDSM vibe in that vid is just.... *happy sigh*. I'm normally not a fan of real-people fanfic, but I'm making an exception for Annie, because she's too damn sexy not to. So far, I've only found one fanfic of her, with David Bowie, which was lovely, but... I want some femslash! (and yes, I know she's straight. Don't care though :p)
  • Weird as it may sound, I'd also really like to see more anti-Snarry fics, since there aren't nearly enough of those around. I obviously love Snarry and definitely enjoy it when they end up together, but it's also incredibly satisfying when they don't end up together at the end of the fic. I love it when they are already in a relationship, but have a big argument that cannot be resolved. I love it when they have some hate!sex during the fic, but no desire to turn that into a romantic relationship. I also love it when they go through an emotional rollercoaster together and still hate each other at the end of it. I know that for many people fics with these kind of endings would feel unfinished, but I adore them and wish there were more. Let me know if you know of any!
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fandom, snowflake challenge, personal, wishlist

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