Nov 29, 2006 21:33
It's amazing how you can get attached to some of your friends you make online. In the "old" days of online, it was only the youngins who could feel that way or made those types of connections on the message boards of yesteryear. Now, people of ALL ages, make connections and connect with people that are zillions of miles away or people they would never meet or talk to otheriwise. Marriages are arranged and lives are changed by a few keystrokes. And it's alaso amazing how we can empathize and get wrapped up in their (our cyber acquaintances) lives. I have an LJ friend right now who's hurting, and I wish I could do more. I can relate to what he's feeling but there's just nothing I can do. Just got me thinking how odd it is I can feel so strongly about someone I've never met. Either way, I'm still putting out prayers, positive vibes, and good "intentions" out there for him. Maybe in the end, I'll find out, it was all hokey hocus pocus stuff that we created to make us all feel better. But right now, I genuinely feel that what I "put out there" will be received by him...and maybe it'll envoke something in him to keep going another day. So, I'm focusing in on San Diego right now...and thinking of you, "D". XOXO!