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Sep 12, 2014 09:12

Все о том же, об ISIS и об Ираке.

И не только об Ираке, впрочем.

На английском.

Last month we told you about the horrific suffering of our brothers and sisters in Mosul, Iraq. They had been given the choice of converting to Islam, paying a high tax, leaving the area or being killed. Islamists had spray-painted an Arabic “N” on their homes to mark them as Christians (“N” for nasara, meaning Nazarene to indicate Christians). Nearly every Christian family chose to flee, some with only the clothes on their backs.

VOM has continued to increase support to those who have been forced from their homes, offering food, shelter, clean drinking water and medical support. We have also increased support to front-line workers, who are taking every opportunity to share Christ with Muslims, most of whom are opposed to the brutal assaults of the “Islamic State” (IS).

Our workers are ministering around the clock. However, as one worker told us, when they see people come to Christ in the midst of this crisis, they are energized to push forward.

Because of increased need, VOM has broadened giving opportunities to include Christians under attack by Islamists in countries like Syria and even Nigeria, where the terrorist group Boko Haram continues its deadly campaign to kill or expel all Christians in northern Nigeria.

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iraq, terrorism, christianity, isis, violence, life, crossposting

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