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Черные дыры, вокруг и около (13+)Может быть, Вселенная и голограмма, но она точно не пиксельная:
In a new result 1 Search for space-time correlations from the Planck scale with the Fermilab Holometer released this week after a year of data-taking, the Holometer collaboration has announced that it has ruled out one theory of a pixelated universe to a high level of statistical significance.
If space and time were not continuous, everything would be pixelated, like a digital image. Впрочем, физики в этом особо и не сомневались, вот публикация 2011 года:
However, the satellite detected no such twisting - there were no differences in the polarization between different energies found to the accuracy limits of the data, which are 10,000 times better than any previous readings. That means that any quantum grains that exist would have to measure 10^-48 meters or smaller.
“This is a very important result in fundamental physics and will rule out some string theories and quantum loop gravity theories,” says Philippe Laurent Так что "петлевая гравитация" Ли Смолина, при всем нашем к нему уважении, оказалась одной из самых быстро опровергнутых теорий.