Because I have nothing else to blog about

Oct 06, 2010 01:02

I'll just tell you two stories about my sister's youngest.

In the first, he was recently introduced to root beer, and somehow doesn't understand that it's not BEER. He was so impressed with its spectacular burp-producing capabilities that he asked for more ... beer. When my sister picked him up from the friends' house where he had it, he told her he'd had beer. "What kind?" she asked. "A&W," said he. She is currently on a campaign to help him understand the difference before he tells his kindergarten teacher he's had beer.

This morning in a conversation about gravity, he asked his mom: How do you even get to the moon?
She: um ... In a rocket, I guess.
He: Oh. (pause) Do we have one?
She: No.
(another pause)
He: Hmmm ... Could we get one?


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