Before dancing live, each of the three remaining couples gets to choose their two best dances to show the audience -- via video. They don't dance them again. I seriously love Lance and Lacey's Tango to "Disturbia". It's a great marriage of choreography, costuming, and music.
Ok, seriously? There is so much space between the beginning of the show and the first dance, that I am actually worried that their muscles will be cold by the time they dance! We just watched tape of 6 dances, multiple short interviews, and now we're watching the snotty junior kid winners dance (I like these two the least of any kids they've ever had on this show. They're technically good; just totally full of themselves and NEVER smile genuinely, nor rarely while performing, and NO personality.). When it's time for the competitors to dance, I hope no one gets hurt from sitting so long ...
The Samba Smackdown, among other things
Len introduces it by saying it could be the greatest final of all time!
Not sure yet what the Samba Smackdown is -- I think they're all dancing to the same music. Are they dancing together? We'll see. Oh yeah -- together, I think. LOL! "Sambalavista, baby" from Warren :)
Brooke and Derek start. It's good, but it seems as if it always takes her a while to get going. I don't know how I feel about her singing along with the musicians. I also didn't like her non-toe-point on the splits.
Lance and Lacey come on for the middle of the song. He's just stronger from the git-go. Seems more confident, knows the steps better, and is a little more fun to watch. One of my FB friends said Brooke peaked too early, and I think she was right. Warren is bringing it! Whoops -- tiny little misstep, but "Blame it on the Boogie" is a great song for him. He's keeping up with Kym on the footwork, though. Cute ending!
After the group dance, Bruno just said about Brooke, "everybody would like to drive that model". Whoa. I'm watching on TiVo and my SIL is watching live, and she says his comment after the freestyle is even more inappropriate!
Looks like Brooke and Derek are dancing the freestyle first. Knowing what the producers usually do, this is probably the weakest of the three. OH DEAR! Derek just used my latest least favorite non-word "I's" (as in, "I'm not going to let my back hurt Brooke and I's chances.")! Ick! It's a "Grease" dance. Cute for them! They start out to "You're the One that I want" in conservative clothes, and end up "tarted up" by the end. It's darling, but definitely some parts that seemed a tiny awkward -- not totally smooth going into some of the lifts, etc. I love it, and realized I was smiling the whole time, sitting here by myself, so I know I liked it. I do bet Lance's is better, though. I'm just saying. ACK! Bruno: "you ended up in positions that I've only seen in the Kama Sutra." um ... can you say family show, Bruno?
Lance and Lacey dance their freestyle next. I'm thinking hip-hop, based on their outfits. This could be fun, or totally repetitive. Sometimes hip-hop gets monotonous, but if anyone is going to pull it off, I bet these two can. This is CUTE and FUN! They are dancing like they've been doing hip-hop together for years. Sometimes hip-hop doesn't look like a girl/boy dance, which is fine if it's not DwtS, and you have a boy and a girl. SO good! I loved it, and Lance took off a show at the end! As my North Dakota friends would say, "for cute!" I'm with Carrie Ann -- I didn't like the cha-cha segment in the middle, either! You know what? They never ran out of energy. I felt like by the end of Brooke's, they were running low on gas. This one didn't feel that way at all.
Last to freestyle are Warren and Kym. This should be lift-tastic. They have on pretty traditional outfits, and the coat looks fabulous on him. IT's a slow-starting "Rolling on the River". I foresee outfits coming off, sped-up music, and more. This is AWESOME! She's wearing an outfit of tinsel :) You can really tell he's lost weight in that vest. FAB! High energy, great lifts, it was awesome. Way to go, producers. You picked the right couple to end with!
Predictie McLeaverson gives up. She would be happy with any of these couples winning. It hasn't been that way every season, and she's happy with all three of them. If you're wondering, she gave most of her votes to Lance, and a couple to Brooke. It's anybody's guess.
(And in case you didn't notice, check out my hair in my icon. That's exactly how Samantha's hair looked tonight.)