Feb 07, 2009 20:42
hey y'all, well, i think i am back. lol well in a way the EVLT wasn't as bad as i thought, except it took almost 40 minutes to get the catheter threaded thru the vein (i evidently have big veins but small junctions in the thigh, i think is what he said). when it was done, i hopped off the table and just walked back to my room and around the nurses station for about 20 minutes before i went home. well at least chewy is happy cause i try to walk 20 minutes at a time maybe 5 times a day so she gets lots of walks!
very sore from the laser burning the vein, really hurt when it got to the knee, and it didn't smell so nice either, and pain from tugging pieces of the burnt vein out. and i have these dang compression stockings on (the panty hose ones) which are a huge PITA to get up and down! go back thrusday to get the bandages and the stitches, i think i have 3, one from each place he pulled the vein out.
i have to put the hose back on after i see him thursday, but i will put them back on at home...not fighting to put them on in the office..it would take forever! i limp a bit when i start walking, but after a few minutes i walk okay.
and to think after this heals in about 3 weeks, i'm going to go do it on the other leg! i must be stoo-pid! lol it looked like that needle with the numbing meds in to was almost a foot long! one of the nurses said her favorite part was helping to get the vein out...he showed me a piece after he pulled it out and it looked like a whitish piece of rubber.
anyway, i was able to drive yesterday, britt bugged me to take her to get her hair done. and wants me to take her to the mal next sunday...the doctor said do it...walk the whole mall for as long as you can! thanks doc...like i really like the pain from swelling when i walk! lol
it's a good thing i can drive as i have a doctor appointment monday, wednesday and thursday and britt has one friday...all are for 8 am...no extra sleep for me this week!
other than that, everything is the same...nothing major going on, then again nothing minor going on either! off to take my meds and probably early bedtime for me again!
y'all take care and hopefully i can get back here tomorrow when i can stand to sit for a bit! lol
renee :o)