Dec 02, 2004 20:02
A few days ago...rented ~New York Minute~, Misha made me. Twin hell. It sucked. I like their show ~Two of a Kind~ even. We also rented ~Y Tu Mama Tambien~. That was awesome! Gael Garcia Bernal is hot! Wow, I really loved that movie. ~Me Without You~ was alright. A bit slow. Ok, maybe too slow.
Wednesday: Rosemary spent the night so we could take pictures on Thursday for our photo assignment. Since she doesn't have a car, i had to be the driver. misha helped. thanks, sis. um, we saw ~Elephant~ by Gus Van Sant with Rosemary. It was good, but i felt really weird about it afterwards. like, it's not right that they made the Columbine thing into a movie. i know they make tons of movies like this, but this one just seemed wrong. it was like, real. like i was there when it happened, like i was in the movie. i had this real creepy feeling about it. I was sad, too.
Thursday: Sad that i've lived here my entire life and end up getting lost in Hollywood and don't remember where Santa Monica is. But if I think about it a little bit, this is probably like my first year going out into the world. i used to be a real secluded, isolated person just a few months ago. i still am, sometimes, i don't like people or going out or doing things, sometimes. i'm a homebody. The outside world scares me and photography has been the only real thing lately that has gotten me off my lazy ass and out of the house. But anyway, enough about it took us like 3 hours, i kid you not, just to get to Santa Monica because we made this huge uncessary u-turn through Beverly Hills and UCLA frat houses, plus L.A. traffic. We asked for directions at a 76 gas station. The Guy said to take Wilshire to Santa Monica which was just around the corner. That's when we realized where we went wrong. Just when we were about to give up, there it was: The Hollywood Forever Cemetery hours later or so it seemed. It is beautiful compared to the SFValley's raggedy one. The gravestones are awesome and fill up patches of grass and go on for miles, where as SFV's is completely bald and empty looking. I understand why though. The Valley's poor compared to Hollywood. We can't afford to buy those huge headstones. We settle for a plaque buried in the grass, which doesn't mean we love the deceased any less, we're just poor and broke and can't afford shit like that. The oldest stone i saw was from like the early 1800s. That's creepy. It was cool though. So yeah, we took some really cool pictures i think. We'll find out tomorrow when we develop the negatives in the darkroom.
some extra shit you need to know: 1. some people suck and need to shut up and stop talking shit! 2. math sucks too! i hate doing quadratic equations, they're a pain in the ass. wait! all math is. 3. and uh, school sucks, too! But woo hoo, school's out for winter break in 2 weeks, yeeeeee-haw!!! 4. and oh yeah, life sucks, too! i'm tired. 5. Gonna go kill myself now. See you in the barn, if not, i'll see you in hell. mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ah!!!