Hello there! It has been quite a while since I visited this site. I have been very busy and couldn't dedicate myself to this, and i had a LOT to say. For now, I'm going to finish this series and maybe commente here and there for a while. So, final round
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I think that Galbatorix ought to have been rated higher than Eragon though. It would only require a few small changes to make Galbatorix a much more menacing and evil villain. A victory here, a description of some atrocity here, showing someone being affected by the horribly taxes, etc, etc. Meanwhile Eragon being sympathetic more or less requires a complete overhaul, removing large chunks of his story and extensively changing other parts to make him better.
For this reason I should also make Saphira rank higher than Eragon. It would not have taken much change to make her a legitimately engaging character. You need only rewrite some of her dialogue and give her a few chances to be awesome by wiping out armies with her fire breath or something. This is because Saphira doesn't make any real choices, and so can be easily changed in personality.
Eragon does make choices, and since he is the main character those choices change the plot drastically.
My logic with Galbatorix was that if he was a much more evil villain without making other characters likeable, it would have made the work fall into darkness induced apathy. But you are right that he needed fewer changes
And yeah, I'm not very happy with sapphira's position. She could have been The likeable character and be engaging even if Eragon were just as awful
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