Hello. I know this is probably beating a dead horse, but I just finished Eldest last night and have to rant about it somewhere.
1. The writing constantly breaks the "show, don't tell" rule, it's painfully overdone, and there's no emotion in it at all.
2. Eragon is a Gary Stu. Nothing more needs to be said.
3. The elves are blatant Lord of the Rings ripoffs, and bad ones. I can't ever recall wanting to punch any of Tolkien's elves in the face.
4. Arya is a bitch. She's an ambassador, yet she openly mocks and insults the dwarves' religious beliefs. I went through an anti-religious phase myself when I was younger, but I never did anything like that. She forces Eragon to stop eating meat without explaining why or giving him any say in the matter. She destroys Eragon's picture of her. I'm an artist. I remember how upset I was when my brother scribbled on one of my drawings when we were little kids. If someone ruined one of my pictures today, I'd be furious. I hate all the elves, but Arya is the one I hate the most.
5. The passage where Eragon kills and cooks the rabbits, then decides not to eat them, was the preachiest thing I've read since a certain author I will not name. I'm a vegetarian, and that made me sick.
6. I actually like Orik. I mention this because my opinion of him will probably change after I read the next book or two.
7. The author needs to stop lifting names and words from Norse myth and legend, and from Old Norse in general. Earth languages and stories do not belong in a world that's not Earth. He also needs to stop ripping off Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings while he's at it. It bugs me.
8. The magic system sucks. Magic is supposed to have limits, but this system has none. It's very boring.
9. I found the infamous Hairless Groin scene. Snickering ensued.
10. I'm convinced Galbatorix is the real hero of the story.
11. Roran asking Eragon if Nasuada's skin was dyed rubbed me the wrong way.
12. Elva creeps me out. I don't know whether it's in a good way or bad way.
13. Angela constantly flips back and forth between being endearing and being annoying.
14. Murtagh should've been the main character.
That's all for now.