Hello, everyone! Stealingvowels was sick and busy and unfortunately didn’t get the chance to do her chapter, so I’m posting in her place. In the last chapter, we found Eragon in a battle and he expanded his equipment by obtaining Plot Coupon Spear, which triples his stat points. Suddenly, something happened to Roran!
Cause it took me 3 tries to get an LJ cut right )
Also, love the Raine icon. Symphonia was full of plot holes and cliches, but at the least the characters were incredibly loveable.
ToS may be full of plot holes (and the cliches are on purpose on the writers since that's Tales Studio's thing), but plugging those plot holes is fun. Well, fun until you get to ToS2. To write a fic over that, I'd have to rewrite the entire plot.
And, of course, I love the characters. So much, all of them.
Oh, I forgot before, but I totally laughed at "JK Rowling needs to write this book. With her powers of killing off every minor character we love in a final book, JK Rowling will right this wrong and save the Inheritance Cycle! Oh, wait, there are no minor characters we love in this book."
I do have a fondness for Murtagh, and Angela. And Elva. Hell, even Arya's icy bitchiness becomes endearing, if only because she maintains it constantly (until Brisingr). I just... really hate Roran.
But with ToS2 and its problems, it tries to retcon a difference between ToS and Tales of Phantasia when, in my opinion at least, it doesn't need the retcon. Supporters of that retcon say that mana wasn't as important in ToP so it fits. The World Tree fricken died in ToP! No one is going to know that mana is the source of life when they treat said source of the source of life like crap.
I do like Murtagh. I was so angry at what Paolini did to him.
Yeah, the mana issue... Well, I also remember having so, so many questions about half-elves and just how their entire "species" works. (For an isolationist race, elves sure sleep around with humans a lot.) And for that matter, where humans came from in this world-set up. (Elves came from space, before there was any life on the planet. Any life.)
But I love that story and just hand-wave it all.
I guess the reason why we can hand-wave a lot of plot issues with ToS is because the story pulls us in despite the cliches and the characters are enjoyable and can be related to. Inheritance, however, does not do that. It doesn't pull us in and does not have lovable characters we can relate to. That is why cliche-fests that Tales Studio produces are enjoyable while the Inheritance Cycle is not.
It's like loving someone for having such a great personality that it lets you overlook all their terrible, terrible habits XD haha
Also I should add that your post icon made my day XD
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