Jun 25, 2008 21:42
The big Internet meme seems to be that 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons borrows heavily from World of Warcraft, but that overlooks the considerable influence from Magic: the Gathering -- which the bit about simple rules with numerous exceptions makes all but explicit. And the descriptions of powers (maybe the trigger is the term "flavor text"?) make me imagine having a bunch of cards in front of me at the gaming table and tapping "Encounter" and "Daily" cards.
I'm amused that something the doomsayers predicted when Wizards of the Coast bought the wreckage of TSR has come true a decade later and in ways that they probably weren't expecting.
(The other fun unexpected thing is that, while 3e made monsters follow the same rules as PC's, 4e PC abilities echo the "X uses per Y period of time" powers that previous editions reserved for particularly impressive monsters.)