May 11th Convo with Joshi

May 12, 2011 15:52

 Josh: helllloooo
12:48 PM
me: hello

Josh: how's the work coming?
12:49 PM
me: I'm depressed out of my mind

there's no work coming my way and I want to jump out the window

I'm going to a Flatirons Networking Meeting tonight

I just hate my life right now and am sad
12:50 PM
Josh: aww. i'm sorry

i love you

just keep at it, cub scout

me: I love you, too

I don't want to try at anything anymore

and I want my John
12:51 PM
and I don't believe in myself anymore

and I live in my parents' house and I'm a loser

Josh: you really just have to keep pushing and getting yourself out there

you'll get through this

me: I don't knw

Josh: you just can't let yourself get bogged down

me: I don't know if I will

I suck at all this
12:52 PM
I try and I suck

Josh: Things don't happen overnight

me: the more I promote myself, the less I believe in myself

Josh: you're working at building a business

it takes a lot of effort

me: I know. But nothing's built

I don't know if I'm cut out for this

I hate myself right now

I hate the world. Nothing's going right
12:53 PM
Josh: You just have to ask yourself how you want to see things

you are in control of your perspective

even if it doesn't feel that way

me: it's hard to keep getting back up

Josh: okay - that's true

but we all do it

because that's what life is about

you keep trying

and then you get tired
12:54 PM
then you try harder

me: I keep trying. I hate putting myself out there so much, but I'm doing it

Josh: good

me: I don't even know what to say anymore

and I have nothing that's going well

I have no strength to draw from
12:55 PM
Josh: then you have to look inside and find strength in yourself

it's in there

me: I don't want to try anymore

I'm so sad

I'm falling apart and I don't want to talk to anyone around it; it all feels the same

I just filled out an application for Smiling Moose Deli
12:56 PM
I'm at the end of my rope

Josh: what is smiling moose deli?

me: A deli that's opening up

Josh: are you still applying at temp agencies?

me: I only found one that could maybe help, but there's been nothing from it yet
12:57 PM
the other ones are all administrative

I just applied to a Data Entry and proofreader position I found on craigslist

Josh: good - you just have to keep at it

robin says your resume is looking really good
12:58 PM
me: I realized I didn't send them any references; I don't know if I have any references

that's good, at least

I just became an editor on this place called Editfast

Josh: these are all positive steps

it's a numbers game

me: but the more I look at it, it seems like youhave to build a site on there, too, and I'm getting so burnt out
12:59 PM
Josh: the more you're out there, the more chances you have

I hope you're aware that you tend to see everything through a filter of what's going on in your personal life

me: that's true. I just feel broke and stupid

that's not true

I thought I was doing better with John and I got so down on work, it was crazy

Josh: you had all this hope about the company and being an editor just weeks ago

me: now, it's just an added thing
1:00 PM
trust me, it's not all from John

Josh: I'm just saying -- these things take time

me: that's only a portion of it

Josh: you have to look at it as being scrappy

me: I know. I just feel spent


Josh: you look for whatever you can

you hustle

you make it work
1:01 PM
me: I don't know what the hell I'm capable of

Josh: you keep at it

me: I'm trying

Josh: good

me: I hate it

Josh: you'll find out

it's not easy

me: I've found that out alright

Josh: but once you make progress it gets easier

me: that'd be nice

some time I will, maybe

I just want to drink something and cry more
1:02 PM
I don't really have any friends around anymore, even

Josh: well you should give yourself a break and skip that part

me: ha

Josh: wallowing will not help you feel better

you know?

me: I know

I'm just sad

Josh: the only way through it is looking ahead and putting on a brave face

me: and my dignity is raw

Josh: being sad can be poetic
1:03 PM
if you rise to the fight

me: I'm a poet reincarnated, then

or a poem

Josh: there's nothing noble or exciting in letting yourself be beat up without getting back up again

if you're the hero, you have to push onward

you are amazing

i love you

i believe in you

me: i love you too, joshi

thank you

Josh: i really truly do

me: I wish I did
1:04 PM
Josh: that's why i invested all the time in your site

that's what i am working with you on all this

me: thank you. It means a lot to me

Josh: if i didn't believe in you, i wouldn't be doing it

so take that as a motivator

me: I'll try. It's already pushed me a long way

Josh: if you don't believe in yourself just chalk that up to being in a bad place

me: thank you for everything
1:05 PM
Josh: but trust me - you're going to be great

you are great

everything is going to work out

me: I hope so. I believe you, though. You're Joshi

Josh: you just need to shuffle off all the sadness

put on a brave face

get out of the house

me: I'll try

Josh: go work at the library

go somewhere free where other people are around

don't sit in your room and be upset
1:06 PM
me: I do have to do that

Josh: it's not going to do you any good

me: I just have less and less money

I have to go work for mom and dad now

Josh: just go somewhere free

me: okay. I can do that.

Josh: okay.

me: I love you, Joshi.

Thank you

Josh: i love you too

you're tashi!

you can do it!

be brave

me: ha - I wish I saw myself like that
1:07 PM
Josh: survive the battle

me: I'll try to be

bye, Joshi

Josh: make a war face


me: mwah

war face!

Josh: :)

me: grrr

Josh: exactly

me: or argh

Josh: focus on that

me: haha

Josh: the first one

me: okay

Josh: okay

me: grrr

Josh: grr


me: bye Joshi

Josh: bye bye

talk to you soon

me: okay
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