May 29, 2006 00:17
Friday was...simply amazing
I'm in Chicago right now, and yesterday, I saw X Men 3
Simply a fucking great movie
I left for Tower Records to meet Nobuo Uematsu, and that was tremendous
I got there 2 and a half hours early, and there still already some people there
I made some friends, and got kicked out once, (only to return right back in the store unnoticed, and still was the only fan to catch Angela Aki's sound check singing, A haha, I'm so slick)
Angela Aki's real performance
I can't even describe it
I love that girl like life
But, the signing afterwards was sweet, Nobuo signed my iPod, and I have to try and think of a way to seal in the color.
I'll figure it out, damn it.
Today is Play! the concert I have been dying to see
This weekend is owning fucking face
Fuck you MI bitches!