May 17, 2006 19:27
So here's a question for all of you, feel free to discuss:
With the widespread word of mouth and advertising Diru will be getting, what do you think this will mean for other Japanese bands, like Visual Kei?
On one hand, Dir en grey WAS Visual for a while, and they had a sound like that of other visual bands, look and all. On the other hand though, fans will be getting a taste of Diru sound as of now, with only WtD getting that sizable release, their visual stuff cast aside.
What kind of bands will be riding the coat tails of success, Visual Kei bands, or the more metal sound like maybe Concerto Moon (NOT comparing the two bands! *ducks*), or do you think that because of the situation, no other band will be able to capture this success, and be forced to work on their own?
Just a thought.