Here are household items i use in art:
- bubble wrap -for stamping of circles and collage elements.
- sawdust-texture additive w/ paint
- dried coffee grinds- texture additive, color additive, creates a pleasant aroma (if you're into that)
- catalogues, magazines, clippings, etc. -obviously, collage.
- bottle caps, toilet paper rolls- for creating circular stamps
- popsicle sticks, credit cards-scraping paint across pages
- brown packaging envelopes-for the bubbles on the inside, collage elements, i like to write on them and glue.
- tissue paper-collaging, creates a neat textural effect that looks similar to paint when modged down but ripply.
- wax (candle, broken crayon, etc)- when ironed & heated, encaustic painting is very cool.
- charcoal-color
- fabric scraps-lace is good for stamping and creating patterns, otherwise i glue/sew them into paintings.
pretty much, if i can find a use for it, i'll use it.