Оригинал взят у
uchitelj в
Мозаики пола церкви Св. Николая, Миры-Демре, Турция
Although early examples have been found from
Egypt and
Asia Minor, the most prominent artifacts remain from 4th century Rome. A large set from the
Basilica of Junius Bassus survived, depicting an elaborate
chariot and other things. The popularity of opus sectile decoration continued in Rome through the 6th century, and affected areas as far as
Constantinople (now
Istanbul in Turkey). Particularly remarkable are a series of opus sectile glass panels, found in a possible sanctuary of Isis at the eastern Corinthian port of Kenchreai, in excavations carried out in the 1960s; they have scenes of famous authors like Homer and Plato, scenes of
Nilotic landscapes, harbour-front cities and geometric panels.