sent up our flag and moved on

Aug 22, 2010 22:59

I had forgotten how much I love painting. Laying protective tape just so satisfies my inner obsessive-compulsive, and the repetitive motion of brushstrokes is lulling. I also really love the color I used, this pale green that changes with the light but never looks garish.


I finished reading Santa Olivia today, by Jacqueline Carey. ( It was SO AWESOME. No spoilers you wouldn't find in a blurb, but cut anyway. )

picspam, recs, fringe, books

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electrizity August 23 2010, 06:36:59 UTC
Ooh, what are you painting, if I may ask?

I don't really watch tv unless a show has already been discontinued (too much effort to tune in each week when I want to consume it all at once). I always appreciate picspams of pretty ladies, though!


antihysteric August 23 2010, 13:28:02 UTC
The stairwell in the basement! My efforts to avoid getting paint on the floor and various fixtures are probably therefore unnecessary, but OH WELL.

I prefer to mainline tv, too - that's what I did with the first two seasons of Fringe this summer - so I definitely understand wanting to wait until there's closed canon.

Also, HI! I haven't seen you around in a while - everything okay? <3


electrizity August 23 2010, 16:17:05 UTC
Okay, this may sound strange, but I actually love stairwells -- the eerier the better. So often they look completely different from the rest of a building, as though they occupy a separate dimension or world of their own. Um. Anyway, that sounds awesome, you should post a picture when you're done!

Hi! <3 I'm doing pretty well, thanks. I know I've been a terrible poster, and I'll have to get around to fixing that. It kind of feels like once a lurker, always a lurker, you know? It's a tough habit to break.


antihysteric August 23 2010, 23:07:06 UTC
That is so delightful! This is me admiring your imagination. :D Our basement stairwell has these slanting slabs of ceiling overhead at intervals, and in the right light, they do create some rather unearthly shadows. My uncle is relentlessly cheerful and not afraid of color, though, so the brightness of the yellow and green paint - that also conveniently obscures some of the walls' more dubious stains - might dispel some of the eerieness. (The house's exterior is painted purple, and the trappings of the front porch are a mix of orange, green, white, and purple. I adore my uncle.)

Lurking is a totally acceptable practice! My recent posting spree is out of the ordinary for me, really; I'm kind of baffling myself. I didn't mean to pressure you or anything - just always glad to hear from you in any form, whenever. :)


electrizity August 24 2010, 04:59:23 UTC
Ahaha, I thought you meant you were painting a picture of a stairwell, not the stairwell itself. I was excited by the thought of how impressive the stairwell must be if you were inspired to paint a picture of it! But protective tape, yes, makes more sense now. :) Sounds like a fun project, and your uncle seems thoroughly awesome. (Purple! :DD)

Oh no, pressure is good -- it's nice to be reminded that people are reading occasionally at the other end. <3


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