recs + an inquiry.

Jul 20, 2009 17:00

serious business question of the day: how does it make you feel if someone recs something w/caveat(s)? do you say, "oh, man, [name redacted], thank you SO MUCH for telling me that Jim kicks a puppy/Spock cries/McCoy is a preachy teetotaler in X, because I can't read that even if the rest of it is really good!" or do you say, "wow, [name redacted], YOU'RE A BITCH. either rec it or don't; none of this wishy-washy namby-pamby nonsense!" inquiring minds want to know.

Star Trek

5+1 K/S by anonymous (Kirk/Spock, unrated, ~2,700 words) Five times Kirk fought for a woman and one time he fought for a man. I love ALL of the sections of this fierily. (I am 88.7% certain that is a word.) so many awesome interpretations of "fighting for." Q.E.D: KIRK. ♥_♥

accidents by (McCoy/Chapel, NC-17, ~8,300 words) (four ways this never should have happened; also known as, four clichés to get you into bed) the problem with sex and love and every transgression in between is the simple lack of a step-by-step recipe to follow. thank you thank you to monkiedude for rec'ing this! awesomesauce. :D

Bad Things With You by anonymous (Kirk/Spock, NC-17, ~1,300 words) for this prompt at the kink meme: Kirk wants into Spock's pants but figures his usual approach won't work. So, knowing about Vulcan touch telepathy, he starts touching Spock (like on the shoulder or arm, etc.) at random, seemingly innocent moments and pushing all these mental images at him - fantasies of them together, pictures of Kirk naked, etc. Lather rinse and repeat until finally Spock can't stand it anymore and just drags him off the bridge to his room for hot sex. Serious bonus points if Kirk does this in front of the bridge crew while giving orders and stuff. or, as I like to think of it, The Subtlety Is Not Strong in This One, where "this one" = Kirk, naturally.

Comprehension by canis_takahari (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, ~5,500 words) This is a sequel to an earlier story detailing McCoy's two experiences as a sex worker. I think my favorite thing about this story is its dialogue, because it is exactly as I love to it see in this pairing - full of familiarity, snark, (disguised) affection. Jim is persistent and inappropriate (as per usual) in his pursuit of details about Bones's ~sordid past, but also kind of secretly sweet. Also, the porn is hot. Seriously, if you find coming in clothes half as hot as I do, you have to read it for that scene alone.

Congrats, You've Met Your Match by [anonymous] (crossover with SGA, Kirk/Sheppard, R, ~3,000 words) Jim Kirk has issues with the new guy. (Academy fic) I ADORE this story. Jim is paranoid because clearly that Sheppard kid is ruining his reputation and plotting to overtake his position as top cadet in the command track, all effortlessly and with perfectly mussed hair. This translates, naturally, into much bitching and moaning to a long-suffering Bones, and a brilliant plan to seduce Sheppard and blind him to everything except Jim Kirk's abundant awesomeness. (It cannot fail!)

Her Hands by taraljc (Pike/Number One, unrated, ~700 words) a sweet, well-written vignette about Number One's hands (as the title suggests), and Pike's fascination with them.

An Illogically Beautiful Mind by anonymous (Kirk/Spock, not rated, ~5,100 words) AU sort of based on Good Will Hunting, where Kirk does not accept Pike's challenge but *does* head west and befriend Bones, and he and Spock meet at the Academy b/c Kirk is a genius who walks into an empty classroom and solves the super-duper hard problems Spock leaves on the whiteboard.

In Our Bedroom, After the War by incandescently (Kirk/McCoy, PG-13, ~12,000 words) McCoy’s ex-wife dies, and her secrets pull him back down to Georgia. AU after the first year at the Academy; Kirk/McCoy, obviously. Babyfic, more or less, positing that McCoy didn't know Jocelyn was pregnant when he left for Starfleet. Great characterization, fantastic OFC, and a hopeful, warm resolution.

[TOS] Machine Child and the Wild Ape (Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Mitchell, PG-13, ~2,500 words), Still Amok (Kirk/Spock, NC-17, ~9,300 words), and Coals of Fire (Kirk/Spock, NC-17, ~30,400 words) by jat_sapphire Short scenes from Kirk's and Spock's lives before the time covered by the series. // Spock told McCoy and Kirk that his pon farr was over, but is it? // What happened at Altair VI, the next mission after the events of "Still Amok." I am so picky when it comes to TOS, but this is completely awesome! great characterization, and I love how "coals of fire" is episode-like.

Matched Set (The Clothes Make the Man Remix) by [anonymous] (Chekov gen, PG-13, ~1,800 words) For Kirk, wearing the uniform dress is just a kinky dare, but for some members of the crew, it means a little more. Crossdressing, especially when considered seriously and outside of a (mostly) sexual context, makes me very happy. This is a marvelous complement to jain's equally fantastic Matched Set.

Kevet Dutar by mytsie (Amanda/Sarek, PG, ~4,300 words) Prompt: I've been thinking a lot about Sarek and Amanda recently, and have concluded, in lieu of Sarek owning a hoverbike, that he is most certainly, without any shard of doubt, a Vulcan bad boy. Considering the sort of personality it'd take to fall in love with any Vulcan, I think it's safe to say that Amanda's not too far from being a Terran good girl. I would love to see this dynamic explored. Pink Cardigan and Leather Jacket optional. I am apparently becoming invested in this pairing! Perhaps it is because I am a romantic, albeit reluctantly, and do not have a hate-on for Winona Ryder as so many seem to do.

Role Model by pandarus (gen + Spock/Uhura, unrated, ~1,800 words) Unbelievably adorable kidfic written for cliche_bingo, featuring babysitter!Jim. I blame my malign uterus; I am a helpless, innocent bystander.

Sarek/Amanda romanticism by anonymous (unrated, ~6,500 words) A super-endearing blend of cracky humor and sweetness for this prompt at st_xi_kink: We get a lot of Amanda trying to be Vulcan and subdued...but can I get something where Sarek is the one being overtly romantic? He did extensive research into the mating habits of humans, particularly the ideal conditions required to woo a suitable human female, and naturally read/watched/experienced a TON of Cheesy Romantic Possibly Harlequin!Romance drivel. He attempts many of these things with disastrous results until Amanda realizes what he's up to and tells him that he doesn't need to try so hard. (T'Pau becomes addicted to trashy romance novels!)

Stay by silverlining_99/anonynonymous (McCoy/Chapel, maybe R?, ~2,300 words) for the prompt: McCoy/Chapel hurt/comfort angst. Preferably with sex. This is another pairing that I am a huge fan of, mainly because people like anonynonymous write it so gd wonderfully. h/c is my achilles heel, and this piece hits so many buttons, for tenderness and tone and a rockin' Christine Chapel.

Sulu/Chekov ficlet for emiime by hollycomb (PG-13, ~2,500 words) "Sulu just would have bitch-slapped anyone but Chekov who asked to be shown the authentic Japan." cheer-up fluff! <3

Surak and Socrates Want You to Masturbate by igrockspock (Gaila, Spock/Uhura, mentions of past Gaila/Uhura, NC-17, ~5,800 words) Spock needs sex advice. Gaila is happy to provide it, and she doesn't see why Spock shouldn't get himself off while he listens. Good thing logic is on her side. what I said in my crackenterprise rec: OK, so the moral of this story is: Gaila rocks. Even if you have no interest in her as a character, I think it is fundamentally impossible not to love her at least a little after reading this. Also, Gaila and Spock talking about how best to, ahem, please Uhura is hot, whoa. (I never complain about femslash in my het, yum.)

Whore (Standard's Not My Native Tongue Megamix by [anonymous] (Gaila gen, PG-13) Gaila does not have enough time to deal with this nonsense…She knows that Jensen is trying to insult her, but Gaila was raised to be a Knife of the Syndicate. I love this conception of Orion culture and language. Wish there was more, of course. :D

Star Trek RPS

Nascent by angstbunny (Chris/Zach, PG, ~1,200 words) "There's irony in the fact that the word 'moribund' is responsible for the shiny new feelings in Zach." Chris is smart; Zach is smitten! fic is loooove, basically.

Spider! by screamlet (Chris/Zach, PG-13/R, ~1,400 words) Banter!fic revolving around some coitus interruptus and arachnid gigantus. *giggles*

square #4 by winterlive (Chris/Zach, NC-17, ~3,800 words) for cliche_bingo, prompt "virginity." warning for drug use. I should probably just have a note on my journal's profile that lists all the authors whose work I will always read, and winterlive is definitely among them. nominally this is a pwp, and it is very hot, but it also has characterization! sweetness! great dialogue! exclamation, exclamation, &c.

Harry Potter

Oh, man. Grounded (This Is Not My Beautiful Life Mix) by [anonymous] (Ginny/Luna, Ginny/Harry, R, ~1,700 words) broke my heart. Ginny is the closeted one, for once.


Logan's Infamous Canadian Sandwiches (The Young and Glorious Remix) by [anonymous] (Gen, Logan/Scott, PG-13, ~2,900 words) Hisako can’t sleep. Pixie is perky. Logan makes sandwiches. I don't actually know much about canon for X-Men comics, but this is an awesome story about Hisako, mostly, growing up a little and figuring some things out. The Logan/Scott, an admitted weakness of mine, is a lovely bonus.


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