Aug 17, 2008 01:28
A little background: our ten-man contingent (just to go along with the sports theme) was assigned to monitor the quadrennial event for its entire duration. We make 10-minute flash reports and a 30-minute recap show from Monday to Sunday. Yes, even weekends.The sudden increase in our work pace hit me by surprise. I did not expect our workload to be really strenuous. The start of day is actually not that stressful, but as the day goes along and you’ve been staring at the computer monitor since early morning, writing and researching about some sports that don’t interest you so much, it starts to feel like a heavy Sunday hangover brought by some solid plastering the night before.
We’ve already forgotten what it feels like to have humane sleeping hours. The round-the-clock monitoring and our lack of manpower prevent us from getting the Labor Code-stated kind of rest. I’m not saying that just to be dramatic. We’ve been sleeping (more of like extended power naps) here in the office since August 8, the opening of the Olympics, and there are still eight days to go. The office has become our athletes’ dormitory of sorts. The last time I went home was last Sunday when I just literally got new clothes and dumped my dirty laundry. I didn’t even sit down for a millisecond.
Our days have become extremely linear all of a sudden. Like the three hands of a wall clock. Same old stuff everyday. We can’t even watch any program other than the Olympics. The only things that are keeping me sane are the Internet and good music (seeing Cesca Litton several days a week helps out too). My rowdy officemates don't count because they're just as insane. I don’t want to think about our overtime pay that much because I just might get disappointed if the amount I imagined don’t match with the one on my pay slip.
Having this free time to update my blog is a luxury these days. I get so tired that I just choose to sleep than do something to break the monotony of things. I’m just rambling right now. This post is the product of my squeezed out brain. I feel like I have gazillions to talk about. I feel like I need to release all of these non-sports related thoughts. I can go on and on about our Olympics workload but I just feel really slee…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.