(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 18:45

Oh wow, I was just accused of starting a fight.

Me: I am going to have X for dinner.
Her: Actually those are mine.
Me: Okay, then I will have something else for dinneer.
Her: No, it's fine, just have X for dinner.
Me: Well if they aren't mine I'm not going to eat them.
Her: Just have them for dinner.
Me: If they aren't mine, I will find something else to eat.
Her: Just have them for dinner, I don't care.

At which point I tried to walk out of the kitchen and she stopped me to tell me again to eat them because she "didn't care." Then she got mad at me for leaving anyway.

The rest of the conversation resulted in
- It is clear I have been trying to upset her for a while now
- I started the fight
- I dominate arguments by walking away or not talking (because I guess I am supposed to fill the air with words even when I have nothing to say. Mind you, she gets mad at me when I repeat myself when we are arguing).
- This is somehow related to some conversation that happened at Wendy's a few weeks ago when she paid for my food (voluntarily) and said "Just remember how nice I am." She said this had to do with that. Actually, she said she assumed this had to do with that.

I tried to get her to explain why she got mad that I wasn't eating her food and she would only say "why are we still talking about this?" and "are you trying to upset me?"

I have no idea what to do with this. How should I have handled things here? I am just getting assumptions placed upon me.

Let's also not forget, she wanted to live with me (I didn't want to live with her).
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