(no subject)

Sep 17, 2010 09:11

Yesterday, Kris and I took a day trip to Indiana to visit my grandparents.

Without knowing anything about my frustrations with what has been going on in my life, my grandma made a big push to "do what makes YOU happy" and to not worry about anyone else. It was nice to hear that even though I knew in my own heart that is what I should be doing.

For those of you who don't know, I am blogging about my design process and what I am working on over here but I won't be abandoning this journal anytime soon.

My grandpa is turning 80 in 2 weeks. He had heart surgery a couple months ago and even though there were a few worries about his health at the time of the surgery, he seems to be doing well now. I think he has more energy now than he did last spring when I was staying with them as I was getting things worked out in Chicago.

My grandma is a weaver and told me I could have one of her table looms whenever I want it (whenever I find room for it). I don't have room for it but I have so many ideas about what to do with it when I do finally have room for it.
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