Chemical Attacks in Syria Orchestrated by London and Washington

Aug 26, 2013 21:35

The chemical attacks in Damascus suburbs were almost certainly carried out by a small group of Western agents operating with impunity within the ranks of opposition forces.

Let's examine the evidence and put forward and consider the arguments. To start with, what the rebels and the usual culprits amongst the Western governments claim is total rubbish, which only the blind and the deaf cannot see as such.

It is important to remember that there were already chemical weapons incidents and in three of those Carla Del Ponte, a chief UN investigator,  herself said everything pointed to the use of chemical weapons by the opposition, citing eyewitness statements. This fact, while initially reported by the corrupt and government-serving Western media, has since been erased from the people's memory and supplanted with a multitude of lies.

Then there are some videos on youtube showing in all gory detail rebels experimenting and trying to kill a pet dog or -- in other case -- some rabbits with improvised poison gas or something, and the poor rabbits exhibit similar suffering to that reported after attacks in Damascus -- convulsions, etc. After watching it you realize that the desire of the rebels to use chemical weapons of mass destruction is nothing new and has been there for a long time.

image Click to view

Note the convulsions those poor rabbits suffer.

Now there is an added impetus to it because the use of such weapons can serve as a pretext for Western involvement on the side of the anti-Assad rebels which those fanatics crave, even though their motives in wanting such intervention are also complicated and their plans are far-reaching.

Another argument is this - every pretext that the West (especially Britain and America) used to intervene in other countries over the years was subsequently proven false - from Vietnam, through Iraq (twice) and to former Yugoslavia.

The Tonkin incident sprang up a whole warmongering narrative -- eventually debunked, the claim that Iraqi troops were throwing premature Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators and leaving them to die in 1990 -- since proven a fabrication, Nato intervention in former Yugoslavia after shelling of civilians in Sarajevo blamed on Serbs -- subsequently proven to have been orchestrated by the Bosniak muslim government itself who gave orders to lob a couple of mortar shells into their own people, the WMD debacle in Iraq in 2003 - WMDs used as a pretext to go to war and invade Iraq resulting in over 1,500,000 deaths though no WMDs were ever found.

And now they are about to use the same old tired and threadbare lie to force intervention with, some say, attacks scheduled later this week but the craven people of the West are either too stupid to see it for what it is or are too apathetic to come out in numbers against it.

Syrian rebels are of course claiming Assad is the guilty party as they would but what they are offering by way of proof is just a lot of hot air, they provide no evidence to back their wild claims  that Bashar's forces were behind the chemical attack.

Isn't it strange that, in a conflict where almost every act and every move is captured on camera or mobile phone from multiple angles and promptly uploaded onto Youtube -- even clips showing rebels' own atrocities and their own many losses, their own gory deaths in action are uploaded by the rebels themselves -- there isn't a single video showing missiles or shells landing that day and instead of exploding releasing poison gases? Isn't it strange?

Think about it.

It IS strange. And the only conclusion that can be made is that there are no such videos precisely because the rebels themselves released the substance (which is very unlikely to have been sarin by the way, but more likely, some improvised poison gas). Probably it was done by a small hardcore terrorist and opportunist group of British or American agents within the rebels' ranks and acting unbeknownst to their own people, most of whom genuinely therefore believe it was the work of Assad.

Also strange is how all the victims appear tragically to be either very young or very old and infirm, all of them civilians, whereas if the regime had really launched such an attack you would expect to see at least some rebels (able-bodied males of fighting age) amongst the victims which you do not now. That most of the victims are either very young or very old and infirm also suggests that they succumbed to a weak poison agent -- much weaker than military specification sarin, probably self-made poison gas -- another indication of rebels' culpability.

It is also very likely the perpetrators acted on direct orders of London and/or Washington.

The behavior of Western powers is proof enough. They just haven't been behaving like an innocent party. First, they raise a huge stink, especially William Hague, and clamor for inspections. Then, as soon as Assad agrees to an inspection of the site, they rubbish it and don't want it anymore.

This blogger believes that Willie the Hague is the mastermind of the chemical attack and that he gave direct orders either to British agents or maybe even to British operatives (SAS or some such goons) embedded with the rebel forces. The chances of any other explanation are vanishingly small indeed.

Bald head, hairy ears, Willie the Hague, likely the evil mastermind behind chemical atrocities in Syria
He is mad with Assad because Assad had the audacity to not go when he, Willie the Great... er.. sorry.. Willie the Hague, said it was time he should.

syria, william hague, british regime, tony blair, middle east, assad, united kingdom, david cameron, bbc, weapons of mass destruction, british interests, chemical atrocities. sarin, british agents, british terrorists, chemical wmds, british crimes, british atrocities, wmds, british secret services, antibrit, british government, obama, jokes about the british, jokes about the americans, britain

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