May 28, 2005 23:37
i have been so lightheaded and dizzy the past few days :( the first day i felt like i couldnt breathe , adn thats prolyl cause i didnt read the label on the bottle of my green tea pills and i took it w/ my pain killer (tylenol w/ codeine generic crappy tasting elexir shite.) . i m fine and i didnt die, i mean, i guess i was still breathing and all, even if i swear it felt like i wasnt.... (oh my god! maybe im brain damaged!!!! ahhhh!!!) . (by the way, the green tea bottle also says not to take it if you have or have had anxiety or depression disorders. that it can make you freak out, go paranoid schizo, etc. good, good.ok, those werent their EXACT wrods.... ) i have been freaking out and panicing about my lightheadedness and dizziness, but everyone tells me im just being paranoid cause i have been through so much in this past month health -wise. like i have turned into a total hypocondriac. (which i think i may have been before, but now its just plain crazy out of control.....)
another thought is that part of this could be withdrawal symptoms. entirely possible. i have thoughts this on my own, and several other people have brought it up, too. monday will mark 3 weeks w/ out booze, its been almost 3 weeks since i have quit smoking, and i havent taken the tylenol/codeine since the day i was convinced i was suffocating.... plus i was on steroids and atibiotics for weeks on end... so, basically i think my poor little body is going through some serious shock :( which i have been worrying about, and im sure its making it all worse. so if anyone wants to send me love and/or cards and maybe small get well trinkets or home made what nots, feel free. i could use some happy and calm right about now. wish me luck on the whole withdrawla thing. ha ha ha. i feel so ewan mcgregor a la trainspotting. (seriously tho, if i see a baby on my ceiling, im commiting myself...)
oh my goodness, this is repetitive!