Personal Survey Created by
luvlyprincess34 and taken 4718 times on
bzoink!Sexual Encounters and Sexuality:Are you Straight, Bi, or Gay?Bi(Other than and including sex...)How many boys have you had experiences with?4How many girls have you had experiences with?2How many persons total?6Where was your best encounter?Basement CouchWhere was your worst encounter?Movie TheaterHow old were you when you had your first experience?FourteenDo you Masturbate?Yes(If so) How often?Pretty Often(If so) How old were you when you first started?Not sureEver talked about it with a friend?All the time(If so) Ever done it with a friend?Sort ofDo you watch/look at porn?Yah(If so) How often?Once a week?(If so) What is your source?Google image searchWhat is your opinion on porn?It's better than getting pregnantDo you have any STDs?No(If so) From who/where?Don't(For Girls)(For Girls) Ever been to the Gynecologist?Yes(If so) How old were you when you first went?Thirteen(If so) Why did you first go?Because my mother said I should(If so) Do you go regularly?No(If not) Why haven't you gone?Do you use birth control?NoHow old were you when you first got your period?ThirteenTampons or Pads?TamponsHave you ever had an abotion?NoSelf Mutiation:(Cutting)Have you ever cut yourself?YesFor what reason?Pain, punsishment, hate, blood... lots of reasonsDid you stop or are you still doing it?StoppedWhy or Why not?I was being a hypocrite when telling others not to do it.Have you sought any professional help?Yes.Have you told your parents?They found out on their own(Suicide)Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?YesHave you ever tried to commit suicide? How many times?Yes, twiceBy what method?Overdose, and cutting.Have you ever prevented anyone else from committing suicide?YesHave you sought any professional help?YesHave you told your parents?They knowHave you written any suicide notes and given them to the intended person?NoHave you ever been caught?Yes, hence why I'm alive(Burning)Have you ever burned yourself on purpose?YesWould you do it again?NoDid you stop or are you still doing it?Not anymore.Why or Why not?Trying to get better(Eating Disorders)Have you been diagnosed with an eating disorder?NoDo you display characteristics if you are not diagnosed?YesHave you ever not eaten for a day or longer?YesWhat is the longest you've gone without eating?Eating atall? 5 days. But anorexic people DO eat, just less than one-thousand calories a dayHave you ever taken diet pills?NoHave you ever been addicted to diet pills?NoAre you still?NoHave you ever binged and purged?NoHow old were you when you started to display charecteristics?FifteenHow old were you when you were diagnosed?Wasn't officiallyHave you sought professional help?YesHave you told your parents?They knowHave you tried to stop?Sort ofWhy or Why not?I need some sort of control sometimes(Drugs)Have you ever done any drugs?I guessWhat drugs have you done?AlcoholHave you ever regreted it?NoHow old were you when you did your first drug?FifteenHave you stopped or are you still doing them?StoppedWhy or Why not?Don't want chemicals in my bodyHave you sought professional help?NoHave you told your parents?NoHave you ever been caught?NoHave you ever lost a friend because of drugs?YesAre you clean now?YesHow long have you been clean?Quite a whileThanks for taking the time to do this survey.It takes alot of bravery to answer these questions honestly.
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