"Why would you be interested in a neuroscientist's perspective?" Because it's interesting.
Sometimes, it really does come down to an exchange as blunt and honest as that in order to crack the rigidity of a mindset which sees no value or benefit in venturing outside the immediate confines of a specific discipline. I used to find it appalling; then - after continued exposure to it in a number of environments - a little sad. Today? Well... Melancholic pessimism is definitely on hold, for at least a few days.
The war isn't won, and the battle is far from over, but there is hope. Beyond the geographical and interdisciplinary scope of my own endeavours this week, I note that even FSP is dipping her toes in unfamiliar academic waters:
http://science-professor.blogspot.com/2010/04/one-way-traffic.html It's just a shame that, in her case, it's a by-product of a single committee membership, rather than an innate desire to expand her horizons, and milk that opportunity for some collective mutual good.