[Aside.] Who the Hell wants children clogging up teh interwebs anyway?

Apr 26, 2010 10:36

'Would somebody please not think of the children. At least not while we are discussing internet censorship. This may sound like an odd request given that, historically, almost all censorship debates have pivoted around children and the need to protect them. But moral panics and fear-mongering campaigns concerning “the helpless children” often muddy what could otherwise be rational, evidenced-based debates.

And there is no easier way to get an otherwise progressive, reasonable parent to endorse an illogical, anti-democratic censorship regime than by appealing to (and exploiting) their deep-seated fears concerning their children.

But here’s the thing. Censorship debates over child safety have little to do with actual flesh and blood children. If they did then they would acknowledge and include the voices and views of young people and they would recognise the competencies and strengths that children bring to online interactions.'

More here: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/net-filter-patronises-the-digital-generation-20100420-squ4.html


Return of the Dancing Duck came up in conversation yesterday. Ordinarily that would've been a neat trick, since - to my knowledge - it's currently Google-proof. Dealing with people who have good memories, and actually give a damn, shouldn't be so rare, but that's possibly a side-issue for another time. Anyway, this is effectively a first warning should RotDD inexplicably turn up here before we reach the handover deadline.

colonials are so amusing, bad parenting, friends, links, academia, writing, in-jokes, internet savages

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