Behind the screens - or why I recommend and reference fewer TV programmes these days.

Sep 18, 2009 13:49

This all started, in a personal way, a couple of weeks ago, when I asked astartesyriaca if she planned to watch Peter Bowker's new TV adaptation of Wuthering Heights ( Given that Bowker was the hack responsible for Desperate Romantics, and a sort of Friendface generation's answer to Andrew Davies, I anticipated some possible skepticism. What I didn't expect was:

"No. It's not on up here."

Although I protested that the Aviva-sponsored two-parter was being networked nationally across the ITV1 regions in primetime Sunday and Monday evening slots, what I hadn't accounted for was an old joke turning, and biting me on my fact-checking arse: Scotland is a foreign country. And STV's chief executive, Rob Woodward, has come down to the Royal Television Society's annual conference in Cambridge today to drive that point home.

In truth, I'd noted some of the ITV hoo-hah surrounding Woodward's devolution-driven opt-outs over the summer, partly because of the potential costs involved (STV were, at one point, facing a fine of £22m for not playing with the network ball:, but mostly because I considered it grossly unfair that we should have to suffer yet another bloody series of the piss-poor Martin Clunes vehicle, Doc Martin, whilst Scotland got something infinitely better. Like...oh, I don't know...a six-part documentary on tartan basket-weaving, or something. That an expensive, well-positioned adaptation of a 19th century (yes, English) classic of literature would become a pawn in this daft, ongoing battle never entered my mind. Shame on me for underestimating Woodward's tenacity.

The focus now, however, is on news - specifically Scottish news:

'STV has unveiled plans for a one-hour six o'clock news programme covering UK and international events from a Scottish perspective alongside Scottish and local news. The move follows long-running calls for a "Scottish Six" news programme on BBC, which has never happened, despite years of debate. STV said the programme would offer more relevant coverage for Scottish viewers.' -

I know.

"And now, in news south of the border, those bloody English sassenachs are at it again!"

It's ripe for satire, particularly in the wake of all the fuss about the Scottish Parliament's handling of the Abdelbaset Al Megrahi case, and - unsurprisingly - the SNP has cautiously backed the plan, but it's another step on the road towards a disunited least in broadcasting terms.

Have a great weekend, everyone. (And, for those north of the border who missed Wuthering Heights, you can spend some Scottish pounds on the DVD: or, alternatively, just RTFB:

my country's knackered, economics, books, adaptations, links, hoo-hah, personal, bad tv, free stuff, a little bit o' politics

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