
Jul 11, 2008 00:00

I'm really very impatient. Antsy. Excited. I can't wait to go to Philadelphia again, and I'm not talking about the day trip on Monday. I mean go there overnight - preferably 2 nights like I just took. I want someone to go with me the next time though (if possible.) Aside from deferring the cost of the hotel (which is really at the bottom of the list of reasons, but is still a valid reason), I had so much fun this last time and I know I would've had even more fun if I someone with me to go places with. I'm very indecisive when I'm by myself. Very. Hence not getting dinner until like 10pm. Or wandering around the city for 3 hours before getting lunch, haha.

Plus, all my humorous commentary, drunken or not, is lost in the ether when I go by myself.
I people watch like crazy. I muse about certain buildings, or horizons, or urban-tecture.

Truthfully, I'd rather have someone more or less as independent as myself. Y'know.. "you go your way and I'll go mine, and we'll meet back here in an hour or so" kind of person. Not so much the kind that follows me around like a shadow because they don't know what to do or where to go. Or even worse, they don't want to wander around the city alone. (Oh my god, are you serious? Grow some balls!)

I always love Philadelphia in the summer. Always, always, always. I want to make the most of this summer by going there as often as I can. Seems like the Hawaii vacation has been pushed back to Labor Day, maybe. As long as we're still going, then I'm good. But if that frees up the July and August for PhilaTravel, then YAY! XD

By the way, YOU (YOU know who you are and I hope you are reading this) need to come with me one of these times. Especially if I don't find that Nascar purse. Plus, we need to hit up South Street together. And at least one indie flick as in tradition, heh. The Faint is August 17th, a Sunday ... care to make it an overnight trip? ^_^ I'm sure if we book a hotel so far in advance we could get a super deal @ Hotwire. I know you want to! You have to yet live Philadelfully. ;D

vacation, philadelphia

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