the best day ever, part 1

Apr 28, 2008 18:36

So... about that Wildcat.

Last ride of the day and we choose to sit in the very first seat. We're waiting and waiting and these kids behind us are acting, well, like kids. Where the hell are their parents? Seriously. Whatever. I felt bad for the girl attendant. We finally get on and this girl behind us is screaming at constant intervals. I look behind us and there are two younger black girls. One, screaming, and one laughing at her friend. We're not even started yet and the girl is screaming.

The girl screams from the time she sits down to the end of the ride. At the same constant intervals. Her friend next to her is now laughing hysterically at her. I'm trying to enjoy the ride and the hills, and the wind. Well between the speed at which we are going, and the screaming and laughing behind me, I can't help but crack up halfway into the ride. Then ... Nila and her "woo-ing" start. But this isn't your typical "woohoo!" This had melody to it. This was more of "Hey baby" kind of "woohoo." So I lost it totally and completely then. I was laughing so hard, I started crying. I knew the camera was coming up but I couldn't help it, I covered my face with my hands because I was crying laughing.

So then the ride comes to an end, and I'm more or less sniffing and wimpering and Nila's like "Omg, are you Ok?" And I started laughing again at how retarded I must look and I try so hard to say "I'm laughing", though I don't remember what it is I did say. I ended up laughing/crying/sniffling from the time we got off until Nila ordered and paid for the picture of me "crying" and herself with her hands in the air.

I don't think I've ever laughed like that on a roller coaster, ever and that is why Wildcat is the 2nd best coaster ever.

I'm still giggling about all of that now.

I'm also limping. My right calf is so stretch and pulled, ugh.

Just call me gimpy (for now) ^_^

hershey park, wildcat, roller coaster

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