I had intended to never so asininely make a "private" post here. Though they may not care, I am sure the deities can read it if they so choose. Good evening, false gods. Move along: this will be dull.
Should I monitor always my breathing, forever pace my heartbeat, try ever not to be excited so to not perspire anymore than normal? Or does doing so acknowledge it and thereby give him another point.
I do not owe him. I did not ask him to help. I am not fool enough not to realize, even with that monster, that there is a time and a place, and even enemies share enemies. But it has not been settled. Even his bacteria won't mean anything once he's dead, or well put away. Perhaps they are all triggered to simultaneously explode, should I pose a threat? It isn't paranoia, not when I've seen it.
It isn't settled. It can't be here. What sort of Quincy am I to wait with the rest while that man kidnaps more innocent people? Caution, preparedness is not cowardice, whatever Ryuuken might say. If we fight, and he uses a new poison, without antidote -- I cannot die here.
It isn't Sensei, what would you have me do? Sensei, I
... And the shinigami refuse to raise their blades. Big surprise.
[Private to Inoue Orihime]
How are
Inoue-san, it will be two weeks until your powers return, correct?
It took some time, but full agility and ability has returned to my fingers. My rate of stitch has reached its former height. I have also managed to secure employment, at two separate locations.
That's all.
[ooc: OH AND PS everyone who replied to his warning post, I'm super sorry if I never got to you.. My computer did its freak out :| and then it was way too late.]