Stitch # 42: Action / Commentspam

Nov 27, 2007 23:00

[ It happens like this: he closes his eyes on the back of that man, the shinigami, while fury builds an impetus and a will to move. He opens his eyes and he isn't lying on broken, reishi composed ground, it isn't Hueco Mundo, everything's changed into the aggravatingly familiar.

It's dark but there's the fountain, and Ishida knows he needs to move, to get help, to not be seen bloody and prostrate on the sidewalk. He tries to stand, once, with his own volition, but his stomach -- no, his gut, because there's nothing left, nothing lurches, and his mind reels, and he's on his knees with blood wet on his lips, chin, font. Blood sticks in his throat and under his tongue, and all he can do it stain his white sleeves with it as he moves his arms, shaking, over his mouth, chin.

And hasn't he trained for this? If not for this, then for something like it, he gathers spirit threads, and puppets his body. If his mind overrules the weakness, if that, he reaches where he might make a post, calmly, typed, so that his voice does not betray him.]

If Inoue Orihime is not otherwise occupied, I would appreciate a few minutes of her time.

... However, in the event that she is not immediately available, it would be best not to wait.

[ooc: Mmkay, that is a regular, typed post, with gone strikes. ACTION is for LIGHT, and perhaps later his healer. Commentspam for rest? See, Mel, I told you he wasn't attention-seeky. EDIT: ALSO EXPECT more typos as time passes and he gets a little worse. ]

but he fakes it anyway, i hate kurotsuchi mayuri a helluva lot, he makes up in denial, defying logic, ouch

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