A bouquet of flowers has appeared in my apartment. Could this be a curse? How random. White Casablanca lilies, I believe, and blue gladiolus. I hope everyone else has found something so pleasant!
Father, as I am sure you know, I have a shift today at the Hospital. I've made lunch for two. Would you like to join me?
I can't find my medication. I must have run out. Must restock at the Hospital.
[ooc: Ishida is cursed into thinking he never met his grandfather. He believes Ryuuken always told him that his grandfather was dead. Because he could still see spirits and Hollows, he believes he has a problem with hallucinating, and is on medication for it.
Thus, he never became a Quincy or "befriended" Ichigo, or Orihime outside of crafts club. He doesn't know about any of that, and always attributed seeing Hollows and So. He's all up on the City, but believes he's always been this way -- and, obviously, is chums with dad.. in a distant way ... and works at the Hospital like a good son!
And a nice, not so proud, not so MUST BE COLD AND COOL AND DETACHED, boy. He's NICE. A little socially awkward, but NICE. Also, Orihime gave him those flowers. Because Orihime clearly thinks Ishida's a girl xD. ]