Title: Errare Humanum Est
cloudytea Character: Esau, Jacob. Mention of their "Mother."
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: General season 6 spoilers.
Summary: It is no secret that the most trusted can turn on their friends without a thought. For
lost_in_108 's prompt, Epic. Title is Latin for To err is human.
Everyone has their Achilles heel.
Esau knows this, even as he files the blade that will never be sharp enough.
Just as in the stories of old (they nearly rival his own years) he knows Jacob is the (coward) hero that their mother raised him to be.
But the mighty warrior Beowulf fell to pride. Oedipus was overcome by arrogance.
Even the godlike ruler of the entire known world died with only three words on his tongue: Et tu, Brute? It is no secret that the most trusted can turn on their friends without a thought.
Is it so foolish to think that even the powerful possess weakness?