Feb 15, 2005 20:06
Today has been one of those days. Nothing I set out to do has been done, I'm feeling frustrated and annoyed; Figitboy is out for the evening and perversely I'm glad that he's not here to annoy me and annoyed that he's not here keeping me company. Just one of those days.
Digby has reached that point where he feels confident enough to be a ratbag (although he still doesn't like going outside without one of us, strangely). We're having to be ultra-conscious of being consistent, because we're having to teach him that just because he can chew something doesn't mean he is allowed to. It's getting through to him the idea that he can't have everything just because he wants it. At times like this I want to put him in a box until I'm ready to play with him again - which of course I can't. Even if I'm not in the mood to deal with a small platinum blond ball of teeth and energy I still have to play with him or at the very least keep an eye on him.
So far we've had to rescue all sorts of things. He's eaten an entire strawberry plant whole, vanquished the evil silver beet (well, we had planned to pull it out anyway as it had gone to seed) and he's planning a pre-emptive strike on a canna lilly that may be harboring terrorist grasshoppers. My knitting seems to be the chewing holy grail, but thankfully he seems to have no interest in shoes.
I've come up with some plans for a 'capsule-through-the-ages-wardrobe' of livery for Tourdion (medieval musicians group I am involved in) based on (for the women) a fitted cote/kirtle, a sideless surcote, a simple 15thC gown and an italian overgown that closes only over the bust. Basically one underdress and three overdresses. For men - hose and simple tunic/shirt, an over tunic, a man's knee-length sideless surcoate, a mid-thigh length doublet, and for late period I suspect venetian style trews and a simple jerkin with lace on sleeves. The idea is that regardless of the time period of the event, we can present ourselves in 'uniform' livery - well, we'll probably be using different fabric of the same colours (blue and white) but the look should be good.
Sewing needs to be the order of the day. I have this week to finish all the kitchen renovations - we STILL haven't finished the painting, largely because it's been too hot to paint (the paint actually dries on the brush/roller before we can get it on the walls). I've got to do a light second ceiling coat, a second coat on the walls, then do the woodwork and lay the new 'floating' wood floors. I was supposed to more today with my mother D., but she strained her back this morning and couldn't come over. So I planned to do a day of sewing (I refuse to go up scaffolding when there is no one else in the house) and got sod all done.
Here's hoping tomorrow will be a little more productive!