Sometimes I feel like a very bad friend. Not through any delusions of grandeur - any sins committed so far are really rather small fry, to be honest - but simply because, at the end of the day, I am really no good at helping people when they need it. The things I attempt to think of to say are trite and kitsch, and I lack that instinctive, visceral, on-th-spot empathy that tells you just when to reach out and hug someone and when they need to be alone. Likewise in comments on livejournal: I feel awkward because I don't know people well enough to intrude on something so personal, or because I just can't find anything to say that doesn't ring horribly, horribly hollow, or that isn't an imaginary, digital, intangible hug or the textual equivalent of patting someone's back or hand very gingerly and saying 'There. There'. It won't help, and means nothing, and it seems demeaning; and so I end up saying nothing at all, which helps even less.
pleezpleezme: I think you're wonderful. I don't say it enough; but nonetheless it's what I think. I hope everything gets better, and is better, and stays that way.