Mar 19, 2007 18:57
Oh I feel sick, like my doom is impending and the world is going to come crashing down around my ears. I just sent off a feeler e-mail regarding graduate school at the ONLY school I want to go to, the only school in the world (!) and I shall die of a broken heart if I get a discouraging response. I e-mailed Steve Churchill to see whether he thought (in an unofficial capacity) that I had a chance of being accepted. The teachers at Sac State are so discouraging. They make you feel like you'll never get in anywhere with such an AVERAGE gpa/gre. Must remember; they TEACH at an average university and therefore are not necessarily moved by kindness and benevolence. I swear they're bitter. I would be. If Churchill said gpa/gre scores aren't everything, well, he'd presumably be in a position to know, right???? I need a drink. But I can't because I am finding my statistics midterm challenging enough without the distracting influence of the alcohol that would undoubtedly settle my nerves. And now I won't have the nerve to check my e-mail because I'll be afraid he has replied, but also afraid he hasn't. I'm such a coward. But it's better to know now than to wait around for months getting my hopes up. Move on, for heaven's sake, MOVE ON with your life!!!!!! It's not fair-lots of people don't know what they want to do with their lives. I know exactly what I want to do with my life and therefore will be that much more let down if it doesn't happen. It's tearing my nerves to shreds and pieces.
If I didn't have an ulcer before, I surely have one now. I think I'm going to die.
And why the hell do I smell like cologne?????