Looking in on eternity

Aug 14, 2015 22:48

I got back from a lovely break in the Western Isles last weekend and promptly came down with the cold from hell. It's ages since I've had a bad cold and I'd forgotten just how much they can flatten you. I had hoped to post some pics and other bits and pieces but my head is full of cotton wool, so in the meantime here's one picture of a nice view and the island poet Derick Thomson describing summer on Lewis better than I ever could.

Lewis in Summer

The atmosphere clear and transparent
as though the veil had been rent
and the Creator were sitting in full view of His people
eating potatoes and herring,
with no man to whom He can say grace.
Probably there’s no other sky in the world
that makes it so easy for people
to look in on eternity;
you don’t need philosophy
where you can make do with binoculars.

Leodhas as t-Samhradh

An iarmailt cho soilleir tana
mar gum biodh am brat-sgàile air a reubadh
‘s an Cruthadhear ‘na shuidhe am fianuis a shluaigh
aig a’bhuntat ‘s a sgadan,
gun duine ris an dean E altachadh.
‘S iongantach gu bheil iarmailt air an t-saoghal
tha cur cho beag a bhacadh air daoine
sealltainn a-steach dha’n an t-sìorruidheachd;
chan eil feum air feallsanachd
far an dean thu chùis le do phrosbaig.

~ Derick Thomson

PS katriona_s Thank you so much for my beautiful gift which was waiting for me when I got back. It's perfect! I love it :) Pics to follow.

hebrides, real life, poetry, photographs

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