All projects at a total standstill

Apr 08, 2008 20:20

Can has commentfic or other distracting/cheering/motivating entertainment?
ETA: My new web app framework! Disclaimer: need to be at least this nerdy to laugh.


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Comments 21

stexgirl2000 April 9 2008, 03:26:07 UTC
Comment fic as in we suggest a prompt or we comment and give you fic?


antennapedia April 9 2008, 03:46:21 UTC
Write fic in the comments. My brain is non-functional tonight. Argh.


stexgirl2000 April 9 2008, 05:36:24 UTC
Okay here's a snippet of something I'm working on ( ... )


antennapedia April 10 2008, 16:43:40 UTC
I love the detail of how he pays attention while seeming to be distracted. The absent-mindedness is appearance, not reality. Looking forward to the rest! :)


nutterbudgie April 9 2008, 03:41:53 UTC
JK Philips has a new chapter of the Death Brings Clarity epic, this is cheering.


antennapedia April 9 2008, 03:46:05 UTC
Oh! That is cheering.


nutterbudgie April 9 2008, 03:52:41 UTC
OK so I'm laughing at the Cobol :(


misswitch April 9 2008, 05:13:23 UTC
LOL at the Cobol. I think my favorite part is the vague screen burn in the background of the other screens. Ah, brings back memories of high school.


antennapedia April 9 2008, 17:36:12 UTC
It's a brilliant parody in many ways. Full marks.


quivo April 9 2008, 15:48:23 UTC
[LOL] I'd ask the developers how they think their framework will stand up to the new one by Google, but I didn't see a phone number on the site :(


antennapedia April 9 2008, 17:37:23 UTC
Oh, did Google release Javascript on Rails finally? Or whatever they're calling it? Utterly insane idea, but given that a Ruby interpreter written in Javascript is faster than production Ruby, maybe it's not so nuts.


quivo April 9 2008, 23:39:35 UTC
Nah, I meant the Google App Engine. It's all python all the time for now, and is basically all of Amazon's separate web services (including Amazon payments or whatever its called) wrapped up in one big bundle.

*peeks at Ruby on JS* *jots down one more reason NOT to learn Javascript, hoping she is not deceiving herself*


antennapedia April 10 2008, 16:23:24 UTC
That's interesting. It's competition with Amazon web services, not with Ruby/Rails/various scaling services. Interesting startup incubation... and yet another tortilla chip upon which Google can load the salsa of its advertising.


seldomifever April 9 2008, 16:49:31 UTC
Vat's with all the fretting? You are strong. You are smart. You are brave. You can do this. It'll be an awesome adventure. What's the worst thing that could happen? You need to write the book for you, not to get published. Lemme tell you, there are thousands of people who write and don't get into print. Do you know how many great writer have had to use vanity presses? Publishing is a ridiculous business. Just like all businesses. You know this. It cannot be the measure of one's success. Ooh, or skip the book all together and just write fanfic all day. You're already giving pleasure to the masses. You just don't make any money doing it. :)


antennapedia April 9 2008, 17:20:33 UTC
Actually I had programming angst last night :) I decided that no sane person uses Ruby for any serious project, and pitched the fic archive project entirely. And rewrote in Python. Some time tonight I should reach feature parity with the previous version. (For grins, I will compare performance numbers. Whaddya think, Python version 5x faster? Or even more?)

This is serious procrastination on the Remix, btw.


seldomifever April 9 2008, 18:05:58 UTC
Oh. Never mind.


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