All projects at a total standstill

Apr 08, 2008 20:20

Can has commentfic or other distracting/cheering/motivating entertainment?
ETA: My new web app framework! Disclaimer: need to be at least this nerdy to laugh.


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Comments 21

daiseechain April 10 2008, 15:15:00 UTC
Umm. This is late to be helpful to you probably, but I committed Rupert/Xander fic a few days ago. It is PWPish, and short, but maybe it would cheer you up if you still need cheering that is? It is going up on my journal later today. If I can get past the fear of posting it that is. All the new having-to-hiding-of-things behind links makes me nervous. And also, I don't know if it'd be your sort of thing. So that makes me nervous too. And this was supposed to be about helping you out, so I'll shut up now.

Caught 'The Duplicate' during my lunchbreak the other day, and was reminded all over again how hot Giles is. How could I have forgotten this? I've been staring at your sidebar picture of him for a few minutes now.

I recommend a good dose of Giles, for when you need distracting/cheering/motivating.


antennapedia April 10 2008, 16:19:17 UTC
Don't fear the posting! I was terrified of posting my first time, too. Tiptoe-ing around mouse-like. It'll be fine! Rupert/Xander PWP is my kind of thing, so I look forward to reading. mmmm.


daiseechain April 10 2008, 17:08:22 UTC
Ah, no. Sorry, didn't mean to mislead you. I've posted before, but it's been such a long time since I my last fic went up. I do this every time. Writer's nerves. For me it's always a bit like the end of a dating drought. But what if *this* one doesn't like me? Also, new to the pr0n writing. So that part is nerves for real.

It's more to do with tripping up over all the new Thought Police policies and not managing to post properly and such. Although I use tech a lot, and I do mean a *lot*, I'm always a bit vague about how it works. I'm surrounded by people who deal with all that for me, so I don't tend to think about it at all until something stops working or I need to learn a new way of using it.

BTW, am going to have another crack at using your migration tool to duplicate my entire journal over at Ij. When it didn't work last time, it was because I was using my old machine and Mac OS9. When that exploded in flames, I began using hubby's shiny new Mac, and I suspect it will work a lot better on this.


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