Aug 24, 2005 19:23
I got my permit today. It's about damn time too. My mom woke me up today at 7 which was extremely difficult considering I've been sleeping at about 5:30 am everyday since summer started. I remember waking and thinking, "My GOODNESS I hate driving" and went back to sleep for about twenty minutes when I convinced myself that I might as well get this over with. We arrived at the DMV at about 8:20ish where we were met with a long line outside the building. Fantastic. This would be one of many times I would stand in line, each time contributing to my first DMV experience. I used this time to kind of stare over the type in my summer reading book with glazed eyes. Eventually, we got in and two hours later I held in my hands the packet of half-sized papers that gave me permission to conquer the world.
I decided to spare you the details of everything that went on in the building as you are probably already familiar, or will soon be familiar, with all its wonders.